
Adrian’s Arena: How AI is Reshaping Industries and Shaping Our Future

An AI Revolution is transforming industries, enhancing healthcare, marketing, and sustainability while ensuring data privacy and creating new jobs.




  • AI is solving complex problems like flood forecasting and accelerating drug discovery, with Google’s AI system saving lives in India.
  • AI is transforming healthcare, with studies showing it outperforms humans in diagnosing breast cancer.
  • In sales and marketing, AI recommendation engines drive significant revenue, such as 35% of Amazon’s sales.

In August, I had the opportunity to sit on a panel with some of the brightest minds in AI and data science in Asia. Having worked in the tech and marketing world for over 25 years across multiple continents, I’ve seen firsthand how AI is transforming industries, both big and small. From healthcare to marketing, AI’s impact is growing rapidly. Here’s my take on what’s happening and some of what’s coming next.

AI: The New Industrial Revolution

We’re in the midst of what feels like a new industrial revolution, led by AI. It’s driving progress in efficiency, accuracy, and innovation. Two sectors where AI is making big moves are healthcare and sales & marketing.

In healthcare, AI is already outperforming humans in key areas. A recent study showed that AI could diagnose breast cancer from mammograms more accurately than radiologists. AI is also speeding up drug discovery, creating personalised treatments, and even guiding robotic surgeries. Another example is IBM’s Watson Health, which uses AI to assist doctors in developing personalised treatment plans for cancer patients. The next decade promises even bigger breakthroughs—could we see more diseases cured or even visit AI-powered doctors?

On the business side, AI is transforming sales and marketing.

Take Amazon, for example—their AI recommendation engine now drives 35% of all their sales, according to McKinsey.

That’s massive. Personalised recommendations are just the beginning; soon, companies may be selling only what people truly need, reducing waste and optimising resources. Another major example is Netflix, which uses AI to recommend shows and films to users, tailoring suggestions based on viewing history. This kind of personalisation is driving massive engagement.


Responsible Use of AI: Getting It Right

With all the excitement around AI, it’s critical to make sure we’re using it responsibly. At SQREEM, for instance, we focus on leveraging AI without relying on cookies or personally identifiable information (PII). Instead, we analyse behavioural trends to create high-value audiences, which brands can target across most digital marketing channels.

This allows SQREEM to help deliver relevant insights and high performing media campaigns while still respecting privacy.

And it highlights an important balance: using AI’s power while ensuring data privacy and accountability.

With growing concerns over data misuse, companies need to be upfront about how they handle information and make sure AI is used in a way that benefits everyone.

AI Solving Big Problems in Unexpected Ways

One of the most exciting things about AI is how it’s solving complex problems in ways we hadn’t imagined.

For example, Google’s AI-powered flood forecasting system in India provides real-time warnings to millions, saving lives and protecting property. It’s an impressive example of AI being used to tackle climate-related challenges.

In drug discovery, AI-driven platforms such as BenevolentAI and Insilico Medicine have accelerated the development of new treatments.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, AI was used to identify potential drugs in record time, shaving years off traditional development timelines.

AI is also being applied to solve broader, more complex challenges. In logistics, companies are using AI to optimise route planning, fleet management, and supply chain operations. Autonomous vehicles and drones are already transforming how goods are delivered, reducing delivery times and costs.

In manufacturing, AI-driven predictive maintenance can anticipate equipment failures, cutting downtime and costs by as much as 30-50%, according to McKinsey.

AI Boosting Data Privacy and Security

Data privacy and security are growing concerns, and AI is stepping in to help. By automatically identifying and managing sensitive data, AI can help companies comply with regulations like GDPR and CCPA. In terms of security, AI’s ability to detect unusual patterns in real-time is a game-changer. It catches breaches before they can cause serious damage, offering companies a proactive approach to safeguarding their data.

AI is also being used to detect and prevent fraud in sectors like banking. AI-powered systems can identify unusual spending patterns and flag fraudulent transactions almost instantly. This combination of speed and precision is becoming crucial in today’s data-heavy world.

How Start-ups Can Leverage AI to Compete

For start-ups and small businesses, AI is a fantastic opportunity. I always tell businesses to view AI as an enabler, not a threat. The best part?

You don’t need millions of pounds to get started. Cloud-based AI services from AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure allow companies to access powerful AI tools without hefty upfront costs.

To start, focus on personalising your customer experiences and optimising operations. AI analytics can help you better understand customer behaviour and create targeted marketing campaigns. Another example is AI’s role in customer service, where AI chatbots are handling routine enquiries, freeing up staff to tackle more complex queries. And remember, education is key—there are plenty of online resources to help you learn the basics.


Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas and tools; it’s all about getting started and iterating.

Breaking Down the Barriers to AI Adoption

Even with all its promise, AI still faces hurdles. The biggest barriers? Lack of skilled talent, high costs, and concerns about data privacy and security. To overcome the talent gap, we need more educational initiatives and partnerships between businesses and academia. Upskilling teams is essential if companies want to harness AI’s potential.

When it comes to privacy and security, we need robust regulatory frameworks and a clear approach to AI’s use.

Being upfront about how AI is used will help build trust, which is key to encouraging wider adoption.

AI and Humans: A Winning Combo

AI isn’t here to replace humans—it’s here to work with us. AI takes care of repetitive, data-heavy tasks, allowing humans to focus on creative problem-solving. Take customer service: AI chatbots handle routine queries, freeing up human agents for more complex issues. In fields like finance, AI systems are already being used to manage portfolios and assist with investment decisions.

According to the World Economic Forum, AI will create 97 million new jobs by 2025, while displacing 85 million.

While disruption is inevitable, the net gain shows how AI can be a tool for growth—if companies adopt AI strategies and train their teams effectively.

AI for Sustainability and ESG Reporting

AI’s potential for driving sustainability is massive.


For example, Google’s DeepMind used AI to reduce energy consumption in their data centres by 40%.

In agriculture, AI-driven precision farming is helping farmers use water, fertilisers, and pesticides more efficiently, which is essential for sustainability. AI systems can analyse soil conditions, weather forecasts, and crop health data to maximise yields while reducing environmental impact.

In terms of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting, AI is a game-changer. By automating data collection and analysis, AI ensures accuracy and compliance while providing real-time insights into a company’s sustainability efforts. This makes it easier for companies to hit their ESG targets and satisfy investors and customers.

In conclusion, AI and data science are transforming the world at an unprecedented pace.

Whether it’s healthcare, business, or tackling global challenges like climate change, AI offers incredible opportunities. But as we integrate AI into our lives and businesses, we must ensure accountability and foresight.

The future is bright, and by working together—AI and humans—we can shape a more efficient, sustainable, and innovative world.

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  • Adrian is an AI, marketing, and technology strategist based in Asia, with over 25 years of experience in the region. Originally from the UK, he has worked with some of the world’s largest tech companies and successfully built and sold several tech businesses. Currently, Adrian leads commercial strategy and negotiations at one of ASEAN’s largest AI companies. Driven by a passion to empower startups and small businesses, he dedicates his spare time to helping them boost performance and efficiency by embracing AI tools. His expertise spans growth and strategy, sales and marketing, go-to-market strategy, AI integration, startup mentoring, and investments. View all posts

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