
Revolutionising Marketing: The Impact of AI in Asia’s Business Landscape

An exploration of AI’s impact on marketing in Asia.




  • 81% of marketers are utilising AI models like ChatGPT and Google’s AI Gemini.
  • AI adoption has led to increased operational efficiency, faster content generation, and improved personalisation.
  • Companies are categorised into three levels of AI adoption: operational optimisers, personalisation and experimentation architects, and strategic innovators.

The Rise of AI in Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are transforming the marketing landscape in Asia. A recent study by CleverTap reveals that 81% of marketers are now using AI models such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s AI Gemini, formerly Bard. This shift towards AI is revolutionising the way businesses engage with their customers.

AI’s Role in Content Generation

AI’s impact is most noticeable in content creation, with 71.4% of respondents indicating that AI capabilities are extensively utilised by content teams. This is not surprising, as AI can generate content faster and more efficiently than humans. In fact, 54% of marketers use AI for faster content generation and campaign rollout.

AI and Personalisation

AI is also playing a significant role in creating real-time personalised experiences for customers. According to the study, 64% of respondents have used AI to build these personalised experiences, which are crucial for optimal engagement.

Apart from content generation and personalisation, AI is also used for:

  1. Creating emotionally resonant content (43%)
  2. Automating the creation of segments based on the probability of conversion (39%)
  3. Running experiments at scale (39%)

Levels of AI Adoption

The benefits a company derives from AI depend on its level of AI adoption. CleverTap has classified these levels into three categories:

  1. Operational Optimisers: These businesses use AI to streamline content creation and enhance operational efficiency. They aim to save time, eliminate writer’s block, and drive productivity.
  2. Personalisation and Experimentation Architects: These companies take AI adoption a step further. They use AI to enhance personalisation at scale and experiment in real-time to improve conversion efficiently.
  3. Strategic Innovators: These are the pioneers in automating routine tasks, streamlining workflows, and leveraging AI for strategic decision-making. They showcase an advanced and holistic approach to AI to capitalise on its benefits.

The Human Touch

Despite the increasing use of AI in marketing, it’s important to note that 50% of consumers can tell if copies are AI-generated. This highlights the need for a balance between AI and the human touch in marketing.

AI’s Impact on Business Performance

Businesses leveraging AI for customer engagement have witnessed significant benefits, including increased conversions (43%), boosted click-through rates (63%), and increased purchases (18%).


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  • For more insights into AI’s impact on marketing, tap here.


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