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ChatGPT Prompts for PR Success

Unlock media attention and boost your brand’s presence in Asia with 5 expert-approved ChatGPT prompts for PR and media outreach success.



ChatGPT Prompts for PR Success


  • Identify relevant journalists and craft personalised pitches to increase press coverage and media mentions.
  • Leverage ChatGPT to write compelling media pitches and introduce yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Generate irresistible, clickbait-worthy headlines tailored to specific journalists and publications.
  • Secure local coverage and broadcast opportunities by inviting media to key moments and events.

Use ChatGPT Prompts for PR Success

Imagine the possibilities of growing your business and enhancing your reputation with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at your fingertips. In the dynamic world of Asia’s emerging technologies, AI tools like ChatGPT can help simplify the process of securing press coverage and boosting your brand’s presence. Experts in public relations (PR) and personal branding share five tried-and-tested ChatGPT prompts that can help you unlock media attention for your business in Asia.

Elevate Your PR Strategy with ChatGPT

PR professional, bestselling author, and founder of Hype Yourself, Lucy Werner, believes that while ChatGPT can be helpful, it’s essential to use it judiciously to avoid harming your brand. Werner uses the following prompt to create a media list of magazine and newspaper submission guidelines for outlets that accept opinion pieces.

Prompt: Act as a publicity assistant who is compiling a list of international newspapers and magazines that accept guest articles, specifically in Asia. I am particularly interested in real-life and opinion desks to pitch a human interest story about [insert your topic]. Give me a list of publication names, links, and submission guidelines, and pull out the takeaway tips I need to hit in my pitch.

Werner emphasises the importance of telling a personal story rather than submitting a press release, as it helps to connect with the audience on a personal level.

Identify and Connect with Relevant Journalists

Even if a publication doesn’t accept opinion pieces, you can still identify journalists who are relevant to your field and likely to be interested in your story. Bhavik Sarkhedi, founder of Write Right, uses the following prompt to find the right contacts and create personalised pitches that editors appreciate.

Prompt: Compile a list of journalists and media outlets in Asia that frequently cover topics related to [your industry or niche]. Additionally, draft a personalized pitch that highlights the unique aspects of my niche, including [your specific areas of expertise within your niche] and explains why it would be of interest to [your target audience, related to their writing, and location if relevant].

Get on the Radar of Reporters

Kayley Hamilton, founder of UPLVL agency, has secured clients press in prestigious publications like the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Business Insider using the following prompt to write compelling media pitches.


Prompt: I am the CEO and founder of [your company] and we do [explain what you do]. My expertise is [explain your expertise]. What makes me unique is [explain what makes you unique]. Topics I can speak about as an expert for an article include [list 3-5 topics that relate to your expertise]. What makes me credible is [include any accolades, achievements, awards, education, credentials or previous press you or your business has]. Based on the above information, write a compelling pitch that I can email to [industry type] journalists in Asia to introduce myself and offer to be a go-to expert for stories they are working on. The pitch should be succinct with no fluff, easily scannable and no more than 300 words. Also write an intriguing subject line that will pique their interest and compel them to open my email.

Create Compelling Headlines

Katya Varbanova, CEO of Viral Marketing Stars, follows a method to come up with highly relevant news-worthy titles a specific journalist would love.

This approach has led to features in global business press for her clients:

Prompt: “[Name of a journalist you’d like to write about you] is a journalist known for their work in [their niche]. They write for [publications] and their articles often explore themes such as [topics they cover]. I want to pitch this person media story ideas related to [your niche or topics]. Suggest media stories I can pitch to [journalist name] for their [publication column]. Format the answers as ready-made title suggestions and give me at least 10. Make them clickbait-worthy and relevant to their column and writing style.”

If you don’t have a specific journalist in mind, “you can create a fictitious name and let ChatGPT know it’s not a real person,” Varbanova added.

Secure Local Coverage

To grow your business with press, it doesn’t have to be global. Local stories get snapped up, and local businesses see the benefit. Lucy Werner, who thinks outside the box to make her students famous, also shared that “independent and local businesses with physical properties can access huge opportunities for social media and broadcast video publicity.”

Werner describes an underrated method of securing local press coverage: inviting broadcast media to “key moments,” which can include “a new physical location, a limited edition partnership, or display.”


Werner has used this technique to “secure hundreds of video desk and broadcast footage of launches,” and has seen her students secure regional and national television coverage. To use this tactic for your business, Werner recommends “inviting your local councillors to attend your key moment and using them and yourself as spokespeople for a broadcast notice.” Use ChatGPT to put together a video call to the planning desks of your local broadcasters.

Prompt: “Create a broadcast notice for my event, the [event name] at [event date and time], at [event location] and [what the event is marking]. Explain the spokespeople available will be [x name from xx company] and [x name, from xx company] and invite the broadcasters to attend and cover the event.”

Boost Your Media Coverage with ChatGPT

Don’t shy away from the limelight. Get ChatGPT’s help in putting together pitches that will set you apart. Find media outlets that accept opinion pieces and make your story heard, identify the right journalists for your niche, and build credibility as an expert in your field. Go directly to the journalists with a compelling pitch and think differently to secure local coverage that will see you on screen. You deserve to be famous for your work, and here’s how to do it.

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What’s your experience with using AI tools like ChatGPT for your PR and media outreach efforts? Have you found success in securing press coverage and boosting your brand’s presence? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments in Asia.

You may also like:

  • For more info on AI in PR tap here.


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AI Content: A Ticking Time Bomb for CMOs?

Explore the debate on AI-generated content for SEO, Google’s policy, and the importance of human oversight in content creation.



AI Content SEO


  • CMOs relying heavily on AI-generated content for SEO may face traffic drops and ranking penalties.
  • Google’s policy penalises content created solely for manipulating rankings, regardless of AI or human creation.
  • AI should augment, not replace, human creativity and SEO strategy.

The LinkedIn Debate: AI Content and SEO

Eli Schwartz, author of “Product-Led SEO,” sparked a heated debate on LinkedIn. He warned about Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) who believe AI-written content is a foolproof SEO strategy. Eli predicted a rude awakening for these CMOs once their strategies fail.

“Too many CMOs think that AI-written content is an SEO strategy that will replace actual SEO. This mistake is going to lead to an explosion in demand for SEO strategists to help them fix their traffic when they find out they might have been wrong.” – Eli Schwartz

The discussion, with 54 comments, saw overwhelming agreement from marketers. However, one dissenting voice stood out.

Google’s Stance on AI-Generated Content

Google’s policy on AI content is clear. Their March 2024 update emphasised that using automation, including AI, to manipulate rankings is considered spam. The key point is the intent behind the content creation. If it’s solely to boost rankings, penalties may apply.

“Our new policy is meant to help people focus more clearly on the idea that producing content at scale is abusive if done for the purpose of manipulating search rankings and that this applies whether automation or humans are involved.” – Google

The Risks of Over-Reliance on AI Content

CMOs who rely too heavily on AI content may face several risks:

  • Traffic Drops: Google may penalise sites that publish low-quality, AI-generated content created solely for rankings.
  • Reputation Damage: Poorly crafted AI content can harm a brand’s image.
  • Lack of Creativity: Over-reliance on AI can stifle human creativity and innovation.

AI as a Tool, Not a Crutch

AI should augment, not replace, human effort. Here’s how to use AI responsibly:

  • Content Ideation: Use AI to generate topic ideas, but ensure human oversight and creativity.
  • Drafting: AI can create initial drafts, but human editors should refine and improve them.
  • Optimisation: AI can suggest keywords and meta tags, but humans should ensure they’re used naturally.

The Human Touch in SEO

SEO is not just about keywords and rankings. It’s about understanding user intent, creating valuable content, and building relationships. AI can’t replicate these human aspects.

The Future of AI in Content Creation

AI will undoubtedly play a significant role in content creation. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between AI efficiency and human creativity.


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3 Game-Changing Trends in Content Marketing

Explore how AI is revolutionizing content marketing with trends like video-to-article generators, improved content creation, and automated optimisation.




  • AI is transforming content marketing, with trends like video-to-article generators, improved content creation, and automated optimization.
  • AI can save time and resources, but balancing AI and human content is crucial.
  • Embracing AI trends can help marketers stay ahead and deliver personalized experiences.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the talk of the town in content marketing. It’s not just about streamlining processes or replacing human writers; it’s about driving growth in today’s competitive market. ChatGPT, for instance, launched in November 2022 and has already changed the game. Let’s dive into three noteworthy AI trends reshaping content marketing.

Content Repurposing: Video-to-Article Generators

Content repurposing is not new, but AI is taking it to another level. It involves transforming existing content into different formats to maximize its value. AI tools like video-to-article generators are making this process seamless and cost-effective.

Consumers love video content. However, producing high-quality videos can be expensive, involving lighting, sound equipment, cameras, and talent. With AI, you can repurpose this content into articles, infographics, or social media posts without additional effort.

Prompt: Imagine you have a 10-minute video interview with an industry expert. How would you use an AI video-to-article generator to repurpose this content?

Tools like ArticleX use AI to quickly turn videos into polished articles. This not only saves time and resources but also creates a versatile asset capable of engaging audiences across multiple platforms.

Improved Content Creation Processes

AI is not just repurposing content; it’s creating new content from scratch. It’s great for short, data-driven news stories tailor-made for an intended audience. Organizations like The Washington Post use AI tools like Heliograf for reporting election results and sports recaps.


AI can create newsy, fact-heavy pieces, microcopy like captions and headlines, product descriptions, listicles, and FAQs. While it may not provide the same flair as a human writer, it saves time when the goal is to report facts straightforwardly.

Prompt: Think of a data-driven news story. How would you use AI to create a fact-heavy piece quickly?

However, it’s essential to balance AI and human content. Over-using AI can diminish the value if you aren’t careful. Always prioritize the reader when creating content.

Automated Optimization and Personalization

AI is making it easier to get the right message in front of the right person at the right time. It can analyze and contextualize real data from your content marketing campaigns, helping inform your future strategies.

AI can also automate SEO strategies. Machine learning algorithms can analyze search engine ranking factors and adapt to changing algorithms, allowing for dynamic and effective SEO strategies without manual intervention.

Moreover, AI can assist with personalization. By leveraging user behavior, preferences, and demographic data, AI algorithms can tailor marketing messages to users in real time. This could be through personalized email campaigns, targeted social media advertisements, or customized website content.


Prompt: Consider your current content marketing campaign. How would you use AI to optimize and personalize your content for better results?

The AI Frontier in Asia

Asia is at the forefront of AI and AGI developments. Countries like China, Japan, and South Korea are investing heavily in AI, with China aiming to become the world leader in AI by 2030. These investments are driving innovations in content marketing and other industries.

Staying Ahead with AI

Embracing AI trends can help marketers stay ahead and deliver more personalized and impactful experiences to their audiences. However, it’s crucial to stay informed about current trends and strike a balance between AI and human content.

“AI is not just an opportunity, but a strategic imperative for businesses. Those who fail to adopt AI will be at a severe disadvantage in the future.” – Fei-Fei Li, Co-Director of the Institute for Human-Centered AI at Stanford University.

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What AI trends are you most excited about in content marketing? How do you think AI will shape the future of content creation and consumption? Share your thoughts below and don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments.

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Revolutionise Your Social Media with AI Automation

This article explores how AI can automate social media management, generating engaging content and streamlining workflows for enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.



AI Social Media Automation


  • AI can save time and ensure consistent social media content.
  • Tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E 3 can generate engaging posts.
  • Automation workflows can handle platform-specific content and quality control.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, managing your social media presence can feel like a full-time job. But what if you could automate this process using artificial intelligence (AI)? Let’s explore how AI can revolutionise your social media management, making it more efficient and effective than ever before.

Initiating the Automation Workflow

The first step in automating your social media is setting up a trigger. You can use Slack to send a message containing a URL, which will kickstart the automation process. A platform like Zapier can manage this workflow.

Extracting and Processing Article Data

Once triggered, the next step is to scrape article data from the provided URL. This involves sending an HTTP request to the URL and extracting relevant information. HTML parsing is then used to convert this data into plain text, ready for AI tools to process.

Generating Engaging Social Media Content

With the article data processed, it’s time to create engaging social media content. This is where AI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E 3 come into play.

Creating Compelling Text Content

ChatGPT, a powerful language model, can summarise article text into concise and engaging social media posts. Here’s a prompt you can use:


Prompt: “Summarise the following text into a engaging social media post with a character limit of 280: [article text]”

This prompt ensures that the generated content is suitable for platforms like X (formerly Twitter).

Generating Stunning Visuals

To enhance the visual appeal of your posts, DALL-E 3 can create stunning images. Here’s a prompt for generating visuals:

Prompt: “Create an engaging image that complements the following text: [social media post text]”

By combining these AI tools, you can generate high-quality, engaging content tailored to your audience.

Implementing Quality Control and Approval Workflow

Before publishing, it’s crucial to have a quality control and approval process. Store generated posts in a Google Sheet for team members to review, approve, retry, or cancel. Once approved, posts can be automatically scheduled for publication.

Tailoring Content for Each Social Media Platform

Each social media platform has unique characteristics and best practices. Customise your content for each platform using separate branches in your automation workflow.

  • For X: Focus on concise, attention-grabbing tweets.
  • For Instagram: Prioritise visually stunning images and engaging captions.
  • For LinkedIn: Create professional, industry-relevant content.

Implementing Advanced Features for Robust Automation

To enhance your automation system, consider implementing advanced features like unique post IDs for performance tracking and routers for managing different workflow paths.

Continuous Improvement and Expansion

Continuously monitor your system’s performance and look for improvement opportunities. Consider automating the sourcing of new article URLs and updating your Google Sheets with the latest post statuses and performance metrics.

“AI is not just an industry or a technology; it is a change in the way we think and live.” – Fei-Fei Li, Chief Scientist of AI/ML at Google Cloud

AI in Asia: A Growing Phenomenon

Asia is at the forefront of AI and AGI developments. According to a report by Accenture, AI could add up to $957 billion to the Asian economy by 2035. Companies like Alibaba, Baidu, and Samsung are leading the way in AI innovations.

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Which AI tools have you tried for social media automation? How do you think AI will shape the future of social media? Share your thoughts and experiences below, and don’t forget to subscribe for more updates on AI and AGI developments.

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  • For further reading on AI in social media, tap here.


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