
ChatGPT Prompts for PR Success

Unlock media attention and boost your brand’s presence in Asia with 5 expert-approved ChatGPT prompts for PR and media outreach success.




  • Identify relevant journalists and craft personalised pitches to increase press coverage and media mentions.
  • Leverage ChatGPT to write compelling media pitches and introduce yourself as an expert in your field.
  • Generate irresistible, clickbait-worthy headlines tailored to specific journalists and publications.
  • Secure local coverage and broadcast opportunities by inviting media to key moments and events.

Use ChatGPT Prompts for PR Success

Imagine the possibilities of growing your business and enhancing your reputation with the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at your fingertips. In the dynamic world of Asia’s emerging technologies, AI tools like ChatGPT can help simplify the process of securing press coverage and boosting your brand’s presence. Experts in public relations (PR) and personal branding share five tried-and-tested ChatGPT prompts that can help you unlock media attention for your business in Asia.

Elevate Your PR Strategy with ChatGPT

PR professional, bestselling author, and founder of Hype Yourself, Lucy Werner, believes that while ChatGPT can be helpful, it’s essential to use it judiciously to avoid harming your brand. Werner uses the following prompt to create a media list of magazine and newspaper submission guidelines for outlets that accept opinion pieces.

Prompt: Act as a publicity assistant who is compiling a list of international newspapers and magazines that accept guest articles, specifically in Asia. I am particularly interested in real-life and opinion desks to pitch a human interest story about [insert your topic]. Give me a list of publication names, links, and submission guidelines, and pull out the takeaway tips I need to hit in my pitch.

Werner emphasises the importance of telling a personal story rather than submitting a press release, as it helps to connect with the audience on a personal level.

Identify and Connect with Relevant Journalists

Even if a publication doesn’t accept opinion pieces, you can still identify journalists who are relevant to your field and likely to be interested in your story. Bhavik Sarkhedi, founder of Write Right, uses the following prompt to find the right contacts and create personalised pitches that editors appreciate.

Prompt: Compile a list of journalists and media outlets in Asia that frequently cover topics related to [your industry or niche]. Additionally, draft a personalized pitch that highlights the unique aspects of my niche, including [your specific areas of expertise within your niche] and explains why it would be of interest to [your target audience, related to their writing, and location if relevant].

Get on the Radar of Reporters

Kayley Hamilton, founder of UPLVL agency, has secured clients press in prestigious publications like the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and Business Insider using the following prompt to write compelling media pitches.


Prompt: I am the CEO and founder of [your company] and we do [explain what you do]. My expertise is [explain your expertise]. What makes me unique is [explain what makes you unique]. Topics I can speak about as an expert for an article include [list 3-5 topics that relate to your expertise]. What makes me credible is [include any accolades, achievements, awards, education, credentials or previous press you or your business has]. Based on the above information, write a compelling pitch that I can email to [industry type] journalists in Asia to introduce myself and offer to be a go-to expert for stories they are working on. The pitch should be succinct with no fluff, easily scannable and no more than 300 words. Also write an intriguing subject line that will pique their interest and compel them to open my email.

Create Compelling Headlines

Katya Varbanova, CEO of Viral Marketing Stars, follows a method to come up with highly relevant news-worthy titles a specific journalist would love.

This approach has led to features in global business press for her clients:

Prompt: “[Name of a journalist you’d like to write about you] is a journalist known for their work in [their niche]. They write for [publications] and their articles often explore themes such as [topics they cover]. I want to pitch this person media story ideas related to [your niche or topics]. Suggest media stories I can pitch to [journalist name] for their [publication column]. Format the answers as ready-made title suggestions and give me at least 10. Make them clickbait-worthy and relevant to their column and writing style.”

If you don’t have a specific journalist in mind, “you can create a fictitious name and let ChatGPT know it’s not a real person,” Varbanova added.

Secure Local Coverage

To grow your business with press, it doesn’t have to be global. Local stories get snapped up, and local businesses see the benefit. Lucy Werner, who thinks outside the box to make her students famous, also shared that “independent and local businesses with physical properties can access huge opportunities for social media and broadcast video publicity.”

Werner describes an underrated method of securing local press coverage: inviting broadcast media to “key moments,” which can include “a new physical location, a limited edition partnership, or display.”


Werner has used this technique to “secure hundreds of video desk and broadcast footage of launches,” and has seen her students secure regional and national television coverage. To use this tactic for your business, Werner recommends “inviting your local councillors to attend your key moment and using them and yourself as spokespeople for a broadcast notice.” Use ChatGPT to put together a video call to the planning desks of your local broadcasters.

Prompt: “Create a broadcast notice for my event, the [event name] at [event date and time], at [event location] and [what the event is marking]. Explain the spokespeople available will be [x name from xx company] and [x name, from xx company] and invite the broadcasters to attend and cover the event.”

Boost Your Media Coverage with ChatGPT

Don’t shy away from the limelight. Get ChatGPT’s help in putting together pitches that will set you apart. Find media outlets that accept opinion pieces and make your story heard, identify the right journalists for your niche, and build credibility as an expert in your field. Go directly to the journalists with a compelling pitch and think differently to secure local coverage that will see you on screen. You deserve to be famous for your work, and here’s how to do it.

Comment and Share:

What’s your experience with using AI tools like ChatGPT for your PR and media outreach efforts? Have you found success in securing press coverage and boosting your brand’s presence? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments in Asia.

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