
Are You Ready for the AI Revolution? Prepare for 2027!

The AI Revolution by 2027 is closer than you think. Learn how to prepare for AI’s explosive growth and its impact on the future.




  • AI is developing at an unprecedented speed, with models becoming 5X better each year.
  • By 2027, AI could reach the intelligence level of top PhDs, leading to an intelligence explosion.
  • The AI industrial revolution will bring rapid advancements, potentially disrupting jobs and economies.

Imagine waking up one day to find AI has revolutionised the world overnight. Sound far-fetched? It’s closer than you think. Not many people realise how quickly AI is developing. By the time you finish this article, you’ll not only understand the AI revolution’s trajectory but also know how to prepare for it. And when AI superintelligence emerges in 2027? You’ll be ready.

From Smart to Superhuman: AI’s Explosive Growth by 2027

Most bullets travel faster than the speed of sound, making them invisible to the naked eye. This is similar to the speed of AI development—so fast that most people won’t see it coming.

According to Leopold in his essay “Situational Awareness”, ChatGPT models are evolving at the speed of ~0.5 OOMs/year. In other words, AI is becoming 5X better each year, compounding over time.

This means that by 2027/28, ChatGPT and other LLMs—large Language Models—will be as smart as the top PhDs worldwide.

“Over and over again, year after year, skeptics have claimed ‘deep learning won’t be able to do X’ and have been quickly proven wrong. If there’s one lesson we’ve learned from the past decade of AI, it’s that you should never bet against deep learning.”

— Leopold Aschenbrenner


Once AIs reach the level of knowledge of top PhDs, they won’t just know as much as one smart PhD; they will know as much as one million PhDs combined.

Just picture that.

At the moment, perhaps a few thousand smart people are researching and developing AI. However, once AI becomes smarter than those developing it, it will be able to improve itself at a much faster rate than human researchers can.

Once AI systems reach that level, they can automate AI research itself, triggering powerful feedback loops that could accelerate development so rapidly that we won’t be able to catch up.

AI is developing this fast for three main reasons:

  • The amount of computing power dedicated to AI is continually increasing. Companies like Nvidia produce billions of dollars worth of AI chips every year.
  • AI algorithms are becoming better and faster. In less than two years, ChatGPT became 1,000 times more efficient, with AI companies investing billions to improve these algorithms.
  • Improvements to algorithms include enhanced Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) and better Chain of Thought.

By 2027, don’t be surprised if your new “smart” fridge denies you that midnight snack because it has calculated a better diet plan for you.

2028’s World: When AI = 1 Million Human Scientists

AI progress will not stop at the human level.

Hundreds of millions of AGIs will automate AI research, compressing a decade of algorithmic progress into less than or equal to 1 year.

We will go very fast from college degree-level AIs (what we have at the time of writing this article) to superhuman AI systems.

The power of AI superintelligence will surprise almost everyone, as its growth will compound extremely fast.

As Irving John Good predicted, AI will explode:


“An ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion,’ and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make.”

— Irving John Good, 1965

While AlphaGo may seem focused solely on a game, it illustrates that AIs can surpass human abilities in potentially any field.

Soon, ChatGPT and other LLMs will be vastly smarter than us, akin to an AI earning a PhD while humans are still at the elementary school level.

AIs will literally leave humans in the dust!

This is the full-blown AGI — Artificial General Intelligence — future that will surprise most people, make many jobs redundant, and disrupt businesses that fail to adapt.


And it’s not that far away.

When Will AGI Happen?

At the current pace, we can expect to have AGI in just four years.

Once achieved, AGI will automate AI research itself, leading to an extreme explosion in superintelligence. This is akin to having millions of smart human researchers working 24/7.

Just think about it: once we achieve AGI, the massive GPU data centres we are building will host millions of AGIs running simultaneously.

This will be equivalent to 100 million human-equivalent intelligences operating at speeds ten times faster than humans.


These AIs will work on significant human problems, such as curing diseases, conducting longevity research, and solving various other issues, all while improving themselves.

They will also be replacing human jobs. Lots of them.

More than ever, you need to adapt and be at the forefront of these developments.

This is no longer science fiction; it’s something that will happen soon.

The Power of Superintelligence

The super-fast development of superintelligent AI systems by the end of this decade is something we must confront.


These AIs will be both quantitatively and qualitatively superhuman, processing information at unprecedented speeds and generating new solutions beyond human comprehension.

It’s possible that in just 10 years, AI will be so complex and superintelligent that we won’t even be able to understand how it works.

We will be like kindergarteners trying to grasp a PhD in mathematics.

It is better to position yourself to benefit from the dramatic advancements in robotics, scientific progress, and economic growth.

Economic growth rates could exceed 30% per year, similar to those seen during the Industrial Revolution.


Superintelligence will bring huge advantages to those at the forefront, disrupt governments, and transform both society and the economy.

But buckle up, because the leap to AI superintelligence will create a very volatile period in our world. This period could be one of the most dangerous in history, marked by rapid changes and little time for critical decisions.

You must brace for impact. Perhaps everything will go smoothly; perhaps not. Either way, please prepare yourself.

If we’re lucky, AI might just solve all our problems. If not, well… at least we’ll have self-driving cars to take us to the unemployment line.

Profit from the AI Industrial Revolution

To prepare for this AI industrial revolution, it’s important to position your investments to benefit from AI and technology. Many have people have most of my portfolio allocated to cryptocurrencies, tech stocks, robotics, and tech ETFs.


To fuel the AI revolution, there will be enormous demand for hardware; therefore, being a shareholder in GPU-related companies can’t go wrong. However, if you want to diversify further, go for the ETFs.

Over the coming few years, we will need 10 to 100 times more computing power and techno-optimists, believe there’s a very high chance that AI progress will benefit humanity.

Still, given the ultra-fast AI developments toward AGI and superintelligence, most people will be caught by surprise.

The key is to position yourself to understand and invest in these technologies — this is exactly why we write about and share our knowledge of AI, investing, tech, and personal growth.

We can’t be passive in a world evolving at lightning speed. Whether you like it or not — AI progress is coming — and you need to prepare actively.


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