
AI Revolutionising Healthcare in Vietnam

AI in healthcare Asia is revolutionising medical services with faster diagnostics and innovative solutions.




  • AI reduces medical imaging diagnostic time from 20 to 5 minutes with 80% accuracy.
  • Vietnam aims to screen 1 million people using AI for disease detection.
  • Generative AI is addressing radiologist shortfalls and data management inefficiencies.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are revolutionising healthcare in Asia, bringing unprecedented speed and accuracy to medical services. In Vietnam, AI is becoming a game-changer, especially in medical imaging diagnostics.

AI in Medical Imaging: Faster and Smarter

Dr. Mai Hong Son from Military Hospital 108 shared groundbreaking insights at a recent medical conference. AI is helping doctors make faster and more accurate decisions. Diagnostic times have been slashed from 20 minutes to just 5 minutes, with an impressive 80% accuracy rate.

“AI applications now have been widely used in different fields, but healthcare is among the top four used in Việt Nam. We have been cooperating with IT engineers in building more new applications of AI in medical imaging service and treatment.” – Dr. Mai Hong Son

Vietnam’s Healthcare Transformation

Vietnam’s healthcare sector is rapidly adopting AI and digital technologies. With over 100 million people, 1,400 public hospitals, 350 private hospitals, and 50,000 clinics, the need for efficient healthcare solutions is paramount. The Ministry of Health is accelerating AI research and digital transformation to meet these demands.

The Vietnam Young Physicians’ Association (VYPA) proposed an ambitious plan to screen 1 million people for diseases using AI. This initiative highlights the country’s commitment to leveraging technology for public health.

Generative AI: A New Chapter in Healthcare

Steven Truong Quoc Hung, Founder and CEO of VinBrain, emphasised the transformative power of generative AI. With radiologist shortfalls and inefficient data management, generative AI is rewriting the story of Vietnamese healthcare.


“With generative AI, we are rewriting the story of Vietnamese healthcare, a story full of hope and innovation.” – Steven Truong Quoc Hung

Billions of data points are generated annually, making it challenging for healthcare professionals to utilise them effectively. Generative AI addresses these issues, offering innovative solutions for better patient care.

AI Applications in Da Nang

Doctors from Da Nang’s Public Security Hospital 199 shared their experiences with digital transformations and AI. These technologies are not only improving diagnostic accuracy but also enhancing overall healthcare services in the region.

Exhibiting the Future

The conference also featured an exhibition showcasing advanced medical equipment and AI tech from leading companies like Canon, Samsung, LG, Siemens, and Phillips. This event underscored the growing importance of AI in the healthcare sector.

The Future of AI in Radiology

Professor Curtis Langlotz, Director of the Stanford Centre for AI and Imaging, discussed the benefits and future of AI in radiology. He highlighted the empathy of Chatbot explanations, emphasising the human touch in AI-driven healthcare.

Embracing the AI Revolution

AI and AGI are transforming healthcare in Asia, offering faster, more accurate diagnostics and better patient care. Vietnam’s proactive approach to AI adoption sets a benchmark for other countries. As we move forward, the integration of AI in healthcare will continue to shape the future of medical services.


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