
Google’s Med-Gemini Outshines GPT in Clinical Diagnostics

Google’s Med-Gemini AI Model outperforms GPT-4 in clinical diagnostics, demonstrating impressive capabilities in self-training, web search, and long-context reasoning.




  • Google’s Med-Gemini, a specialised AI model for medicine, outperforms GPT-4 in 14 medical benchmarks.
  • Med-Gemini excels in long-context reasoning, self-training, and web search capabilities, enhancing clinical reasoning.
  • The model demonstrates impressive performance in retrieving specific information from lengthy electronic health records.
  • Med-Gemini’s multimodal conversation capabilities show potential for real-world applications, but further research is needed.

The Dawn of AI in Medicine

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the medical landscape, and Google’s Med-Gemini is leading the charge. This advanced AI model, specialising in medicine, promises to revolutionise clinical diagnostics with its impressive capabilities.

Med-Gemini: A Cut Above the Rest

Med-Gemini is a new generation of multimodal AI models, capable of processing information from different modalities, including text, images, videos, and audio. It builds on the foundational Gemini models, fine-tuning them for medicine-focused applications.

Self-Training and Web Search Capabilities

Med-Gemini’s clinical reasoning is enhanced by its access to web-based searching. Trained on MedQA, a dataset of multiple-choice questions representative of US Medical License Exam (USMLE) questions, Med-Gemini was also tested on two novel datasets developed by Google: MedQA-R (Reasoning) and MedQA-RS (Reasoning and Search). The latter provides the model with instructions to use web search results as additional context to improve answer accuracy.

Setting New Benchmarks

Med-Gemini was tested on 14 medical benchmarks, establishing a new state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance on 10. It surpassed the GPT-4 model family on every benchmark where a comparison could be made. On the MedQA (USMLE) benchmark, Med-Gemini achieved an impressive 91.1% accuracy using its uncertainty-guided search strategy, outperforming Google’s previous medical LLM, Med-PaLM 2, by 4.5%.

Retrieving Information from Electronic Health Records

Med-Gemini’s ability to understand and reason from long-context medical information was tested using a ‘needle-in-a-haystack task’. The model had to retrieve the relevant mention of a rare and subtle medical condition from a large collection of clinical notes in the Electronic Health Records (EHRs). Med-Gemini performed well, demonstrating its potential to significantly reduce cognitive load and augment clinicians’ capabilities.


Conversations with Med-Gemini

Med-Gemini’s multimodal conversation capabilities allow for seamless and natural interactions between people, clinicians, and AI systems. In a test of real-world usefulness, Med-Gemini correctly diagnosed a rare skin lesion based on an image and follow-up questions, recommending what the user should do next.

The Future of Med-Gemini

While Med-Gemini’s initial capabilities are promising, the researchers admit that there is much more work to be done. They plan to incorporate responsible AI principles, including privacy and fairness, throughout the model development process.

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