
AI Revolution: How AI Creates Equal Learning and Job Opportunities for Indonesians

AI education in Indonesia is revolutionising access to quality learning and future jobs, with surging enrollments in GenAI courses and innovative applications in personalized learning and classroom aid.




  • AI is transforming education and job opportunities in Indonesia.
  • Enrollments in GenAI courses have surged by 1,158% year-on-year.
  • AI can democratize access to quality education and future jobs at scale.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionise the future of education and work in Asia, with Indonesia at the forefront of this transformation. According to a survey by Google and Ipsos, Asians believe that AI will have a significant positive impact on education and training. This belief is already manifesting in Indonesia, where the revolutionary capabilities of generative AI (GenAI) are unlocking new ways to democratize access to quality education and future jobs at an unprecedented scale.

The Surge in GenAI Courses

Enrollments in GenAI courses in Indonesia have surged by an astonishing 1,158% year-on-year, compared to a 1,060% increase globally. Indonesia now ranks third in Southeast Asia for the highest number of enrollments, after Singapore and Vietnam. This trend highlights the growing interest and demand for AI skills among Indonesians.

Four Areas Where AI Levels the Playing Field

1. Access to Learning with the World

Advances in machine learning (ML) have greatly reduced the cost and time needed to translate course material. What once cost thousands of dollars and took months can now be done for less than US$30 in just a few days. This breakthrough is crucial for Indonesia, where internet penetration is rapidly increasing. With over 77% of its population online, the country now ranks fourth globally in internet users after China, India, and the United States.

Prompt: Imagine you are a student in Indonesia who wants to learn a new skill but faces a language barrier. How can AI-translated content help you overcome this challenge?

2. Personalized and Interactive Learning

Private tutors have always been a privilege for the few, but AI is changing that. Every Indonesian student could soon have their own GenAI personal coach. This AI coach can offer customized study tips, explain concepts, and even teach modules in a student’s native language.

A survey by Tirto and Jakpat revealed that 86% of students aged 15-21 were using AI assistance at least monthly to complete tasks. GenAI’s conversational abilities can also be utilized for various applications, such as a debate opponent that generates counterarguments while a student fine-tunes their own point of view.


Prompt: Describe a scenario where a GenAI personal coach helps a student improve their learning outcomes.

3. Classroom Aid: How AI Augments Teaching

AI can support and free up teachers, especially when they are short-staffed. GenAI can be used to scale practice assessments tailored to each learner’s needs, generate multiple-question paper variants for robust testing, and streamline grading by suggesting scores and feedback.

With GenAI, faculty can auto-generate an entire course, from its structure to assignments, in just a few hours. Instructors would be able to easily produce a privately authored course that blends high-quality content from external experts with their own internal content. For multilingual classes, GenAI can craft personalized, step-by-step instructions for every student, a capability that can be useful to bridge linguistic barriers.

Prompt: How can AI-assisted grading help teachers save time and improve student outcomes?

4. A Future-Ready Workforce

Indonesia has seen a surge in enrollments for GenAI courses, reflecting a keen interest in AI skills. Enrollments have soared by 1,150% year-on-year, with significant increases in courses such as Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT by Vanderbilt University, Google AI Essentials, and Generative AI for Everyone by DeepLearning.AI.

A Microsoft-LinkedIn research found that 76% of Indonesian leaders were even willing to hire a less experienced candidate if they had AI skills. GenAI will not take over jobs, but workers who are not using AI might be replaced by those who do. High GenAI enrollments among Indonesian enterprise learners signal that even those employed are upskilling to remain relevant in their jobs and the market at large.

Prompt: Explain how AI skills can make a worker more employable and productive in their first job.

The Role of Public and Private Institutions

Online learning can be a powerful tool for promoting equal access to in-demand AI skills. Public and private institutions play a key role in powering mass AI skilling and reskilling programs. Democratizing access to AI skills aligns with the government’s plan to increase digital inclusion and the use of AI in every sector, including education.


Harnessing AI’s Potential

The AI revolution can create more equal opportunity for all Indonesians. Harnessing its potential in education, especially to narrow the opportunity gap, will ensure equitable outcomes in an AI world.

As United Nations chief António Guterres said, “Now, more than ever, we need to move towards learning societies. People everywhere need high-quality skills, knowledge and education. Above all, they need the best teachers possible.”

By embracing AI, Indonesia is paving the way for a future where every individual has equal access to quality education and job opportunities. The AI revolution is not just about technology; it’s about creating a more inclusive and equitable society.

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What AI skills do you think are most important for the future workforce in Indonesia? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments here.

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