
The State of AI Marketing: An Indonesian Perspective

Exploring the impact of using AI in marketing and it’s current adoption in Indonesia, courtesy of the MMA.




  • 38% of Indonesian marketers are in the experimental phase of AI integration, with only 16% fully integrated.
  • 52% express confidence in AI’s potential to revolutionise marketing practices.
  • 49% face challenges in applying AI to content marketing, emphasising the need for better tool selection.

AI In Indonesia:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) have become more than just a technological shift in the world of marketing and advertising. In Asia, AI is rapidly becoming a strategic imperative. MMA Global is dedicated to fostering conversations about the integration of AI into marketing practices, as evident in their ‘MMA State of AI in Marketing’ report for Indonesia. This article explores the report’s findings, emphasising the localisation of global initiatives to investigate critical areas where AI has proven effective.

AI Adoption and Priority in Indonesia:

The AI integration journey in Indonesian marketing is still in its infancy. Currently, 38% of marketers are in the experimental phase, while only 16% have fully integrated AI into their marketing strategies. However, the growing recognition of AI’s importance is clear, with 22% considering it a high priority and 38% rating it as a medium priority.

Confidence in AI’s Impact:

The potential of AI to revolutionise marketing practices is recognised by 52% of respondents. In contrast, only 10% believe AI will have a limited impact, indicating a generally positive outlook towards AI in marketing.

Concerns and Challenges:

Despite the optimism, there are concerns. Data privacy is a significant concern for 31% of respondents, while 22% express apprehensions about cybersecurity.

Challenges in AI Adoption:

The application of AI to content marketing poses challenges for 49% of respondents, underscoring the importance of selecting the right tools. Additionally, 44% express concerns about biased and fabricated answers, highlighting the need for robust data safeguards.


Barriers to Adoption:

The lack of understanding (22%) and high costs (17%) are significant barriers to AI adoption. However, the most prominent barrier is the need for skills training, recognised by 38% of respondents.

The Future of AI in Marketing:

The survey reveals a growing recognition among industry leaders of the need to integrate AI into marketing strategies. However, challenges such as tool selection, bias concerns, and skills training hinder full implementation. As AI continues to evolve, MMA Global remains at the forefront of innovative marketing research, navigating the development and deployment of AI with careful consideration.

Final Thoughts:

In the journey towards a future where AI is the expected standard, it’s crucial to stay informed, envision possibilities, and embrace unprecedented innovation. By staying ahead in the ever-evolving marketing landscape, we can make the most of AI’s potential while mitigating its challenges.

Comment and Share: AI Marketing In Indonesia

As AI continues to shape the marketing landscape, how are you preparing to leverage its potential and overcome the challenges it presents? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

You can sign up for, or download, this fantastic MMA Indonesia AI Report by tapping here.


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