
AI Offline Innovation: No Data? No Problem!

Discover the power of AI in offline innovation: Viamo’s AI-powered mobile phone service is transforming information access in remote areas.



TL/DR: AI For the Offline World

  • AI innovation in offline environments is reducing the need for always-on data connectivity
  • Viamo’s AI-powered mobile phone service brings information access to remote, low-income communities without internet connectivity.
  • Support from development agencies and partnerships with organisations like Unicef are driving AI and AGI innovation in Asia.

AI Is Revolutionising Access in Asia

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are transforming the world at an unprecedented pace. From healthcare and education to transportation and communication, emerging technologies are revolutionising the way we live, work, and interact. In Asia, these advancements are making a significant impact, particularly in bringing information access to remote and low-income communities. One standout example is Viamo‘s AI-powered mobile phone service, which is changing lives by providing offline access to AI technology.

AI Offline Innovation: Viamo’s Innovative Solution

In Nigeria, visually-impaired geography and animal enthusiast Kehinde Olutubosun faced challenges in accessing information due to his lack of a smartphone. However, Viamo’s AI-powered mobile phone service is changing the game. Launched in Nigeria last month and targeted at the world’s poorest and remotest communities, this innovative solution allows users to access AI technology without the internet.

Viamo’s service utilises traditional handsets and local mobile phone networks to send commands or requests for information via SMS or voice calls. Functioning similarly to other AI chatbots, it can be used by illiterate individuals through voice prompts and offers a cost-effective solution for those with limited financial resources.

Olutubosun expresses his happiness with the service:

“For people who are not that financially buoyant, they still have this opportunity to use even as little as 10 naira to ask lots of questions that will actually benefit them.”

Expanding Across Asia and Beyond

Following its successful launch in Zambia, Viamo is expanding its AI-powered mobile phone service to Pakistan, India, and Tanzania. This growth is supported by development agencies in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries. Unicef has partnered with Viamo to provide information on essential topics such as HIV, tropical diseases, nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene.


Conclusion: AI Offline Innovation

AI and AGI are revolutionising access to information and reshaping industries across Asia. With innovative solutions like Viamo’s AI-powered mobile phone service and strategic partnerships with organisations such as Unicef, the potential for positive change is immense. As these technologies continue to evolve, their impact on the lives of millions will only grow stronger.

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