
AI Boom and Bust: Industry Analysis

50 most visited tools and traffic behaviour over the past year, winners and losers and the reasons why.




  • AI industry analysis saw massive growth, with the top 50 tools attracting 24 billion visits in the last year.
  • ChatGPT led the pack with 14 billion visits (60% of the traffic).
  • The industry saw a 10.7x growth rate and an average monthly increase of 236.3 million visits.
  • ChatGPT, Character AI, and Google Bard experienced the highest net traffic growth.
  • US, India, and Europe contributed the most visits to the AI industry.

What’s This Article About?

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry has been on a whirlwind journey, reshaping landscapes across diverse sectors and igniting global fascination. This analysis delves deep into the heart of this dynamic field, unveiling the top 50 most visited AI tools, their traffic behaviour over the past year (September 2022 – August 2023), and the intriguing user trends that paint a vivid picture of the industry’s current state.


Employing the robust SEMrush software, a leading name in the SEO realm, we embarked on an extensive data collection process to conduct our AI industry analysis. Over 3,000 AI tools were meticulously scrutinised by scraping data from comprehensive online directories listing them. From this vast pool, we identified the top 50 most visited tools, capturing over 80% of the entire AI industry’s traffic within the analyzed timeframe.

Unveiling the Growth Story:

The findings paint a remarkable picture of the industry’s rapid growth. Collectively, the top 50 AI tools garnered a staggering 24 billion visits between September 2022 and August 2023. Leading the pack by a significant margin was ChatGPT, the AI chatbot phenomenon, with a colossal 14 billion visits, establishing its dominance by capturing 60.17% of the industry’s total traffic.

This growth wasn’t limited to isolated bursts; it manifested as a consistent upward trajectory. The industry observed a remarkable average monthly growth of 2 billion visits, with an impressive surge to 3.3 billion witnessed in the final 6 months of the analysis period. Translating this into a tangible metric, the top 50 analysed tools collectively experienced a phenomenal 10.7x growth rate, signifying an average monthly increase of 236.3 million visits.

Celebrating the Top Gainers, Including AI Chatbots:

The analysis wouldn’t be complete without highlighting the exceptional performers who witnessed significant net traffic growth. ChatGPT continued its reign at the top, adding a whopping 1.8 billion visits to its user base. Following closely behind were Character AI and Google Bard, demonstrating the growing appeal of AI-powered creative tools, by accumulating 463.4 million and 68 million additional visits, respectively.


The Other Side of the Coin: Unveiling the Losers:

While some soared, others faced challenges in maintaining their initial momentum. The analysis also revealed the top 5 tools that experienced the most significant traffic declines during the year. Craiyon, an AI image generator, dropped the most, followed by Midjourney, another AI art tool, and Quillbot, a text paraphrasing platform.

Understanding User Demographics Via Our AI Industry Analysis:

This analysis not only sheds light on traffic patterns but also unveils fascinating insights into the user base. The data demonstrates that the United States emerged as the leading contributor of visitors, accounting for 5.5 billion visits (22.62%). However, the global reach of AI is undeniable, with European countries collectively contributing 3.9 billion visits.

Furthermore, delving into user preferences reveals that AI chatbot tools garnered the highest user interest, attracting a staggering 19.1 billion visits in total. This highlights the growing demand for conversational AI applications and their potential to revolutionise how we interact with technology.

Mobile Dominance: A Defining Factor:

The analysis also emphasises the undeniable supremacy of mobile devices in today’s digital landscape. Over 63% of AI tool users accessed these tools via their smartphones or tablets, signifying the importance of prioritising mobile-friendly design and functionality for sustained user engagement.

Gender Gap: A Call for Action:

While the industry flourishes, it’s crucial to acknowledge an existing disparity in user demographics. The data reveals a gender gap, with approximately 69.5% of users being identified as male and 30.5% as female. This highlights the need for the AI industry to actively work towards bridging this gap and fostering a more inclusive environment that attracts and empowers individuals from diverse backgrounds.


Beyond the Numbers: A Look at the “Why”

This AI industry analysis delves deeper, exploring the potential reasons behind the success stories and declines witnessed by different tools. Several key factors emerge:

  • Launch Timing and User Base: Newer AI tools might experience rapid initial growth, particularly if they cater to emerging trends. For example, tools like Character AI, launched in December 2022, saw significant user uptake due to their focus on creating interactive stories.
  • Unique Features and Functionalities: Tools offering distinctive capabilities or user experiences can attract higher interest. For instance, the continued dominance of ChatGPT can be partially attributed to its user-friendly interface and ability to generate different creative text formats, catering to a wider range of user needs.
  • Mobile App Availability: As highlighted earlier, mobile app availability plays a significant role in user engagement. Tools like Lensa, an AI photo editing app with a popular mobile app, experienced significant growth during the analysed period, solidifying the importance of mobile accessibility.
  • Market Saturation and Competition: As the AI industry matures, competition intensifies. Established tools might face challenges in maintaining their initial growth trajectory, especially if they fail to adapt and innovate in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Looking Forward: Navigating the “Bust”

The recent pullback in traffic observed in the latter part of the analysed period necessitates further exploration. While the reasons for this decline remain multifaceted, potential contributing factors include:

  • User Fatigue: The initial novelty of AI tools might wear off over time, leading to a decline in user engagement. Sustaining user interest necessitates continuous innovation and the introduction of new features and functionalities.
  • Privacy Concerns: As AI capabilities become more sophisticated, concerns surrounding data privacy and security become increasingly prominent. Addressing these concerns transparently and prioritizing user privacy is crucial for fostering trust and long-term user engagement.
  • Ethical Considerations: The ethical implications of AI development and deployment require ongoing discussion and consideration. Ensuring responsible AI development and addressing potential biases within algorithms is essential for building trust and ensuring ethical use of this powerful technology.

Conclusion – What Does Our AI Industry Analysis Tell Us About The Future?

The AI industry analysis shows that, while experiencing a period of immense growth, there is a complex and evolving landscape. The findings presented in this analysis offer valuable insights into user trends, tool popularity, and potential challenges. As the industry navigates this period of “boom and bust,” embracing continuous innovation, addressing user concerns, and prioritising responsible development will be paramount in ensuring the sustainable and ethical advancement of AI for the benefit of society.

Will the recent decline in AI tool user engagement signal a short-lived fad or a fundamental shift in user expectations, forcing the industry to confront its limitations and redefine its approach to capture and retain the public’s imagination? Let us know in the comments below!

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