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Will AI Search Engines Dethrone Google?

This article delves into the potential of AI search engines to disrupt Google’s dominance in the search market, exploring regulatory actions, new AI-powered solutions, and Google’s response.



AI search engines


  • Google’s dominance in the search market is being challenged by AI-powered search engines like SearchGPT and Perplexity.
  • Regulatory actions and the rise of AI search could impact Google’s market share.
  • AI search engines offer new ways to find information, but Google’s infrastructure and user base remain strong.

In the world of technology, few companies have achieved the level of dominance that Google has in the search market. The phrase “just Google it” has become synonymous with searching for information online. However, recent developments suggest that Google’s reign might be under threat. New AI-powered search engines like SearchGPT and Perplexity are emerging, and regulatory actions are challenging Google’s monopoly. Could these changes be enough to disrupt Google’s stronghold on search and search advertising?

The Rise of AI Search Engines

Google has been the undisputed king of search for over two decades. With over 90% of the search market, Google’s success is not just due to its product but also the strategic partnerships it has formed over the years. Google Search is the default search engine on most browsers, including Safari. However, both these aspects are now under threat.

“The regulatory actions will definitely impact those partnerships that Google has created and will shrink the market share,” says Roshat Adnani, managing director APAC at M&C Saatchi Performance. “However, a significant impact might happen because of the challenges faced at the product level. Open AI has changed consumer behaviour through ChatGPT, and SearchGPT might also have the potential to disrupt consumers’ search behaviour. There will be more AI-powered solutions that will continue to threaten Google.”

The Impact of Antitrust Rulings

Although Google was found guilty of antitrust violations, the full implications of this landmark decision are yet to be declared. Google has stated that it will appeal the verdict, and it’s unclear what the enforced remedies will be. The impact will differ based on how severe the required steps are.

“While the ruling may create some opportunities for competitors, I am not optimistic that they will develop a compelling enough alternative to significantly shift user preferences,” says Andrew Desmond, senior paid media director at Jellyfish. “Even if they do, they won’t just be competing against Google’s search product, they’ll be battling user inertia, which is a much tougher challenge. Until Google is no longer the default—whether by user choice or due to changes in contractual agreements with their various partners—they will continue to dominate.”


The Potential of AI Search

While Google may currently have a stronghold on the search market and search advertising, the rise of AI search is a growing threat. The speed at which OpenAI’s ChatGPT became mainstream demonstrates the potential of AI to disrupt the established order.

“Generative AI is revolutionising the search industry,” says Jim Yu, founder and executive chair of BrightEdge. “The emergence of AI-driven search engines was the first step towards opening up the search landscape to new entrants with the potential to disrupt Google’s stronghold, and now the antitrust ruling can serve as an accelerator.”

There is potential for newcomers like Perplexity and SearchGPT to break through to consumers. “The growth of AI search is indeed exciting and could potentially compete with Google, especially if it can solve some of the challenges we face with Google’s search engine,” says Arun Kumar, director of activation and experience, APAC, Assembly. “For instance, SearchGPT aims to prioritise high-performing, relevant content over a cluttered environment of advertisements, snippets, and untrustworthy SEO-optimised or AI-generated content, to establish a new standard for search technology.”

Google’s Response to AI Competition

Mindful of the competition in the AI search space, Google has already made moves to reinforce its position as the search leader by launching AI Overviews. An advanced search facility powered by generative AI, it combines multi-step reasoning, planning, and multimodality with Google’s best-in-class search systems. But will AI Overviews be enough for Google to maintain its market leader position and steer off the competition?

“We expect new entrants who are able to garner market share to co-exist with Google,” says Yu. “In order to do so, other AI-native engines will need to offer a better product or differentiate for specific use-cases, which we are starting to see with the SearchGPT prototype.”


In contrast to standard search engines that barrage you with links, SearchGPT provides straightforward, conversational responses supported by real-time data. The goal is to improve the speed, accuracy, and appeal of finding information. At the moment, SearchGPT is in the prototype stage and accessible to a select few testers. Both SearchGPT and Perplexity have a greater opportunity to compete with Google in the search landscape, but that will likely come through integrations.

“For instance, I expect that few users will go directly to SearchGPT anytime soon, but utilising Copilot on Bing (powered by OpenAI) could grow the chatbot’s market share more quickly than a standalone product,” says Eric Hoover, SEO director at Jellyfish.

The Main Obstacles for AI Search Engines

The main obstacles for AI search engines are accuracy and the potential spread of misinformation, meaning marketers and users must stay alert about the content they rely on. “We might see a future where different tools cater to different needs. For example, search engines used for general queries and AI-powered tools used for more intricate conversational searches,” says Adnani.

While both SearchGPT and Perplexity are strong contenders in the AI search category, Google still has the advantage of data, infrastructure, resources, and experience. “Google’s seamless integration across its services, like Gmail and Maps, sets a high standard for user experience and convenience that is hard to match,” adds Adnani. “Google is also actively investing in AI to improve its search capabilities. Thus, it is difficult to rule out Google.”

Google’s Dominance in Search Advertising

Google has built an integrated ad ecosystem—including Google Ads, YouTube, and the Google Display Network—which offers advertisers a comprehensive platform for reaching target audiences through an omnichannel approach. As to the Justice Department lawsuit, Google currently holds a dominant 70% share of the internet search ad industry and is estimated to have 39% of the global digital ad market. This means that it has a larger market share than its nearest competitor, Meta, and the combined market share of the next eight competitors.


It’s still early days, but as new entrants gain traction, we might see advertisers beginning to diversify ad spend across engines to better reach different audience segments. “We may also see competition drive innovation in ad formats and models,” says Yu. “Think more interactive ads, AI-driven personalisation, or new performance metrics, challenging Google’s current offerings.”

We’re also likely to see companies taking advantage of generative AI in new ways and expect to see a wave of innovations coming to search. “For example, the latest voice chat capabilities from OpenAI are very impressive and could lead to a completely new way of voice-activated searching,” adds Yu. “Similar to when the iPhone launched, it was impossible to predict that Uber may one day exist. The sky’s the limit as to what new ad formats might come from generative AI search.”

The Future of Search Advertising

However, for the foreseeable future, Google will continue to dominate search advertising. Google’s well-established infrastructure, devoted customer base, and superior product continue to pose serious obstacles for new competitors, even in the face of the growing popularity of AI search and possible competition from services like SearchGPT and Perplexity. Furthermore, Google is expected to monetise AI search results through shopping listings and sponsored adverts in the future, further solidifying its lead in search advertising even if AI search will become more common.

“While there may be some incremental changes due to the antitrust ruling or the development of AI search, a major shift in search dynamics or a significant increase in competitor market share in the near term is unlikely,” says Hoover. “Therefore, marketers should remain focused on optimising their strategies for Google as it will continue to be the primary platform for search advertising. Any substantial changes are more likely to occur after a final settlement from Google’s appeal, which could be years away.”

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Revolutionise Your Spreadsheets: 5 Ways to Up Your Excel Game with Microsoft Copilot

Learn how to leverage Microsoft Copilot to enhance your Excel skills and streamline your workflow with AI-powered features.





  • Microsoft Copilot simplifies complex Excel tasks, making it easier for users to generate insights, formulas, and formatting.
  • Copilot is available on desktop versions of Excel with a Microsoft 365 subscription and a Copilot Pro subscription.
  • Key features include generating data insights, suggesting formula columns, applying colour and formatting, understanding your database, and tidying up messy data.

Are you tired of navigating complex formulas, endless data cleaning, and time-consuming formatting in Excel? Microsoft’s AI-powered Copilot assistant is here to transform your spreadsheet experience. From generating formulas to highlighting interesting data, Copilot empowers you to work smarter, not harder. Let’s dive into the most cutting-edge methods to leverage Copilot’s features and elevate your Excel game to the next level.

Why Copilot Matters for Spreadsheet Users

Copilot acts as your personal assistant in Excel, understanding your spreadsheets just like you do. It can suggest formulas, reply to your questions, and even help you do more with specific cells. For example, if you’re dealing with a monthly expense database, simply ask Copilot to calculate things and make a chart based on the data.

Copilot doesn’t perform magic; it accomplishes the same tasks you could with advanced Excel features and functions. The main advantage is that you don’t need to dig into Excel menus and can use a single interface to get the job done. This is a boon for new Excel users who are less familiar with writing formulas.

Accessing Copilot in Microsoft Excel

First, note that Copilot in Microsoft Excel is available only on desktop versions. You can’t access it on the Excel web version. Excel’s desktop apps require a Microsoft 365 subscription, starting at $7 per month for Microsoft 365 for Home.

Once you download Excel on Windows or Mac, you need to purchase a Copilot Pro subscription to unlock access to the AI bot in Office apps, including Excel. It is priced at $20 per month.


Now, you can launch Microsoft Excel on Windows or Mac and find the Copilot button under the Home menu at the top. Let’s check out some of its capabilities in action.

Get Insights from Your Data

Thanks to a neat Copilot integration in Excel, you can easily generate valuable insights from a database. Let’s start with an example.

  1. Open an Excel sheet with a database and click the Copilot icon in the top-right menu.
  2. Simply ask Copilot to show data insights.
  3. The AI chatbot can quickly analyze the data and create a small pivot chart to display the number of units sold by each salesperson.
  4. Copilot also shares a small summary of the data in text format.

Without Copilot, you would have to convert the database into a table and generate pivot tables in a different sheet to extract the same data. Copilot does the same job with only a simple text prompt.

Similarly, you can ask, “How many units did Jim sell?” and the system should calculate and display the final data with a pivot table. You can even get specific with your requests. For example, you can ask, “Which month did Jim sell the most units?” and get relevant answers in no time.

Generate Suggestions for a Formula Column

Based on your current database, Microsoft Copilot can also suggest a formula column and let you insert one with a single click. Let’s continue with the same example.

  1. Open the Excel sheet and ask Copilot to “Show a suggestion for a formula column.”
  2. Excel calculates the total sales by removing the dollar sign from the sales amount and multiplying it by the number of units sold. It even shows the required function in case you’d like to use or adapt it for another column.
  3. You can glance over the top five results and click “Insert column” for whichever suggestion(s) you would like to utilise.

In the example above, Excel generated a formula column randomly. You can even be specific with your requests. When I asked, “Combine salesperson and region and create another column,” Excel quickly created a formula and showed a column preview.

The possibilities are endless here. It all depends on your use case, database, and text prompts. You should be as descriptive as possible with your prompts to get the desired results in no time.


Apply Colour and Formatting

This is another time-saving hack for Copilot users in Excel. When you are looking for specific data or a product, fire up Copilot and ask it to highlight relevant cells.

  1. I opened the same Excel sheet.
  2. I summoned Microsoft Copilot and asked it to highlight all cells with “XPS 14.”
  3. It showed a suggestion and a preview. By clicking “Apply,” we can see the formatting in action.

You can also ask for “Total ‘Units Sold’ for ‘Profit’ excluding ‘$6000′” and get the final results. Just click “Apply,” and you will instantaneously have the information you requested via chat.

Understand Your Database

Microsoft has smartly integrated Copilot into your databases. You can just select columns and use the Copilot shortcut to highlight data or generate charts in real time. Let’s continue with the same example.

  1. Open an Excel sheet. Let’s select the columns for salesperson and units sold.
  2. Click the Copilot button, slide to “Chart,” and create a quick graph that shows the total number of sales by each employee.

You can also slide to the “Tables” menu and check some of the ready-to-use pivot tables.

Copilot changes suggestions based on the data you select in Excel. It can be a huge productivity booster for professionals who frequently deal with large databases.

Other Copilot Capabilities in Excel

Copilot efficiently tidies up messy data by removing extra spaces, merging values from different columns, highlighting duplicates, and applying sorting and filtering.

As you can see from the screenshots above, it also suggests recommendations for formulas, functions, and actions based on your context.


Programmers can even go a step ahead and ask Copilot to write VBA code to automate command tasks in Excel.

Excel on Autopilot

Overall, if you are a power Excel user, Copilot is definitely worth your while to take for a test drive. It can automate your tedious tasks, help you uncover insights hidden within your data, and streamline your workflow in minutes. What are you waiting for? Explore Copilot, use the tricks above, and turn your Excel experience from a chore into a breeze.

Aside from Excel, your active Copilot plan unlocks the AI assistant on other Microsoft 365 apps, including OneNote. Check out our separate post to find the top tricks for using Copilot in Microsoft’s note-taking app.

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What’s your favourite Copilot feature in Excel? Share your experiences and thoughts on how AI is transforming your workflow. Don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments and comment below!

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Revolutionising Daily Life: Ant Group’s AI ‘Life Assistant’ Takes Asia by Storm

Ant Group’s AI life assistant, Zhixiaobao, is transforming daily tasks in Asia, offering seamless integration with Alipay and innovative AI-powered services.



AI life assistant


  • Ant Group, backed by Alibaba, launches AI ‘life assistant’ app, Zhixiaobao.
  • The app integrates daily services like meal orders, taxi hailing, and entertainment bookings.
  • Ant Group aims to leverage AI for enhanced user experience amidst regulatory challenges.
  • The Chinese government has approved Ant’s use of its large language model, BaiLing.
  • Ant Group is expanding AI-powered services to merchants, healthcare, and insurance sectors.

The Rise of AI in Asia: Ant Group’s New Venture

In a groundbreaking move, Ant Group, the fintech giant supported by Chinese e-commerce behemoth Alibaba, has ventured into the realm of artificial intelligence with the launch of its ‘life assistant’ mobile app, Zhixiaobao. This innovative app is designed to streamline daily tasks, allowing users to order meals, hail taxis, book tickets, and explore local dining and entertainment options. Additionally, it integrates seamlessly with Alipay, Ant Group’s digital payment platform.

Unveiling Zhixiaobao: A Game Changer in AI

Unveiled in Shanghai on Thursday, Zhixiaobao comes at a time when global tech giants like Google, Meta, and Microsoft are ramping up their investments in AI. These companies are focusing on tighter integration of chatbots and AI assistants to enhance user experiences. Ant Group president Cyril Han emphasised the company’s commitment to harnessing AI’s potential, stating, “Alipay is committed to harnessing AI’s potential to improve the user experience, ensuring that AI assistants like Zhixiaobao become valuable tools in everyday life for all.”

Navigating Regulatory Challenges

Since the Chinese authorities scrapped Ant Group’s initial public offering (IPO) in 2020, the company has been under pressure to overhaul its business model to meet regulatory requirements. Last year, Ant was fined 7.1 billion yuan (US$984 million) for “illegal” acts, and its billionaire founder Jack Ma relinquished control. Despite these setbacks, Ant Group has continued to innovate, with its profits falling by 10 percent in the January-March quarter, as reported by Bloomberg News. The company’s valuation has also dropped by more than 70 percent since the aborted IPO.

Leveraging BaiLing: Ant Group’s Large Language Model

Ant Group describes Zhixiaobao as an “AI-native application powered by Ant Group’s BaiLing foundation model.” The Chinese government gave the green light for Ant to offer products using BaiLing last year. This large language model is a significant step forward in Ant Group’s AI capabilities, enabling more sophisticated and personalised services for users.

Expanding AI-Powered Services

At the Shanghai event, Ant Group also announced a range of AI-powered products tailored for different sectors. These include:

  • Merchants: Enhanced tools for managing inventory, customer interactions, and sales analytics.
  • Healthcare: AI-driven diagnostics, patient monitoring, and personalised treatment plans.
  • Insurance: Automated claims processing, risk assessment, and customer support.

The Future of AI in Asia

The launch of Zhixiaobao signals a significant shift in how AI is integrated into daily life in Asia. As tech giants continue to invest in AI, the competition to provide the most seamless and comprehensive user experience is heating up. Ant Group’s move is a strategic one, positioning the company at the forefront of AI innovation in the region.

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Revolutionising Healthcare: Malaysia’s First AI-Detected Lung Cancer Success Story

Explore the revolutionary impact of AI in healthcare through Malaysia’s first successful AI-detected lung cancer case, highlighting the power of early detection and treatment.



AI lung cancer detection


  • Malaysia successfully diagnosed and treated its first lung cancer case using AI.
  • AI-enabled chest X-rays detected early-stage lung cancer, leading to successful surgery.
  • 95% of lung cancers in Malaysia are detected at advanced stages, highlighting the importance of early screening.

The Power of AI in Early Detection

In a groundbreaking achievement, Malaysia has successfully diagnosed and treated its first lung cancer case using artificial intelligence (AI). This remarkable feat showcases the transformative power of AI in healthcare, particularly in early disease detection. Doctors in Kuala Lumpur announced that a 67-year-old male smoker with no symptoms was diagnosed with lung cancer through an AI-enabled chest X-ray during a routine health screening.

“The AI system was able to detect subtle changes that could have easily been overlooked,” said Dr Tho Lye Mun, president of the Lung Cancer Network Malaysia (LCNM) and the clinical oncologist involved in the case.

This early detection led to further investigation and confirmation of primary lung cancer.

Early Detection Means Better Treatment

Following the diagnosis, the patient underwent a minimally invasive surgical procedure, an upper lobectomy, and lymph node dissection. The surgery was performed by Prof Dr Anand Sachithanandan, LCNM founding president and consultant cardiothoracic surgeon. The patient was discharged just three days after the operation, highlighting the benefits of early detection and treatment.

“Surgery, as part of multi-modal therapy, offers the best chance of a cure for early-stage lung cancer,” said Prof Sachithanandan.

The case underscores the importance of early screening and timely treatment in improving patient outcomes.

The Impact of AI on Lung Cancer Screening

According to the Malaysian National Cancer Registry Report 2017-2021, 95% of lung tumours in the country are detected at advanced stages (Stages III and IV). Lung cancer is the second most common cancer among men and the third most common among women in Malaysia. Early screening can lead to a significant stage shift, enabling doctors to detect more early-stage tumours that respond better to curative treatments.


“Additionally, early-stage therapy is less intensive and more cost-effective,” added Prof Sachithanandan.

The achievement is the result of a partnership between LCNM and AstraZeneca, which initially involved Qualitas Health Group and later expanded to include more partners.

AI-Enhanced Screening: The Future of Healthcare

The advanced cloud-based software utilising deep learning algorithms was introduced at select private hospitals in the Klang Valley and is also available at the National Cancer Institute in Putrajaya. AstraZeneca country president for Malaysia, Vinod Narayanan, emphasised the goal of making lung cancer screening more accessible and cost-effective through AI-enhanced chest X-rays and low-dose computed tomography scans.

The Road Ahead

The successful diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer using AI in Malaysia is a testament to the potential of AI in transforming healthcare in Asia. As AI technology continues to advance, its application in medical screening and diagnosis is expected to grow, leading to better patient outcomes and more cost-effective treatments.

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What are your thoughts on the future of AI in healthcare? Have you or someone you know benefited from early disease detection using AI? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments.

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