
Unleashing Your Inner Composer: Discover AI Music Generators

Explore the best AI music generators and create unique tunes with just a few clicks.




  • Explore the top AI music generators, including Suno, SongR, MusicFX, Beatoven AI, Riffusion, and LimeWire AI Music Studio
  • Create customised tunes with just a few clicks, using text prompts or selecting music categories
  • Generate music for various purposes, from background tracks to professional compositions

The Rise of AI Music Generators: A Symphony of Creativity and Technology

Artificial intelligence has become a driving force in today’s world, producing vast amounts of text, images, and even audio. With AI music generators, anyone can compose their own unique tunes in seconds. In this article, we’ll introduce you to some of the best AI music creators available, focusing on their strengths and weaknesses to help you find the perfect one for your needs and budget.

Suno: Your Gateway to AI Music Generation

Suno is an ideal platform for those new to AI music generation. To get started, simply type in a description of the song you’d like to create, including the music style and any instrumentation or pacing preferences. Suno will quickly generate a custom tune based on your input.

Prompt: Create a lively piano tune about your best friend’s birthday, including their name and a few personal details.

With Suno, you can create up to 50 songs per month for free, and subscription plans for additional songs start at $8 per month.

SongR: Simplify Your Music Creation Process

SongR offers a user-friendly interface that allows you to generate AI music in under a minute. While you have limited control over the sound of your track, you can choose from various music categories and use text prompts to create lyrics and vocals.

MusicFX: Google’s AI Experiment for Chill-Out Tunes

MusicFX, one of Google’s AI experiments, is perfect for creating relaxing background music. You’ll need a Google account to use this tool, which generates 70-second instrumental clips that can be set to loop. The app also offers a DJ mode for endless AI music mixes based on your selected prompts.


Beatoven AI: A Professional Approach to AI Music Generation

Beatoven AI caters to industry professionals seeking custom tracks. You can specify your desired track type in detail, but the app doesn’t include vocals, and songs are limited to 60 seconds. The platform features a mixing component and alternative track suggestions based on your prompt. Downloading songs requires credits, starting at $3 for a one-minute download.

Riffusion: Lyric-Based AI Music Creation

Riffusion takes a unique approach by generating music based on your inputted lyrics. You can customise the sound style and create your own music style, with the AI providing suggestions if needed. This platform is ideal for creating short audio snippets, with a current limit of 12 seconds per tune.

LimeWire AI Music Studio: Reviving a Classic for AI Music Generation

LimeWire AI Music Studio, brought to you by the same team behind the former MP3 sharing platform, allows you to create custom tracks using text prompts. The free plan limits you to four 30-second audio tracks per day, while subscription plans start at $9.99 per month.

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