
The Future of Warfare: Asia’s Push for AI Military Blueprint

Asia leads the global discussion on responsible AI use in the military, aiming to create a blueprint for ethical guidelines.




  • South Korea hosts an international summit to draft a blueprint for responsible AI use in the military.
  • Over 90 countries, including the US and China, participate in the summit.
  • The goal is to establish guidelines for AI in military operations, emphasising human oversight and compliance with international law.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the world, and the military sector is no exception. As countries race to harness AI’s power, ensuring its responsible use becomes paramount. South Korea recently hosted an international summit to address this very issue, inviting over 90 countries to discuss and draft a blueprint for AI in military applications.

The Seoul Summit: A Global Gathering

On September 9, South Korea convened the second international summit on AI in the military. Co-hosted by the Netherlands, Singapore, Kenya, and the United Kingdom, the event brought together representatives from various governments, international organisations, academia, and the private sector. The goal? To establish a blueprint for the responsible use of AI in military operations.

The Double-Edged Sword of AI

AI’s potential in the military is vast. It can enhance operational capabilities, as seen in Ukraine’s use of AI-enabled drones against Russia. However, it also poses significant risks. South Korean Defence Minister Kim Yong-hyun highlighted this dual nature, stressing the need for guidelines to prevent misuse.

“As AI is applied to the military domain, the military’s operational capabilities are dramatically improved. However it is like a double-edged sword, as it can cause damage from abuse,” said Kim Yong-hyun.

Key Areas of Discussion

The Seoul summit focused on several critical areas to ensure responsible AI use in the military:

  • Legal Review: Ensuring compliance with international law.
  • Human Oversight: Preventing autonomous weapons from making life-and-death decisions without human intervention.
  • Civilian Protection: Safeguarding civilians from AI-driven military actions.
  • Nuclear Weapons Control: Exploring AI’s role in managing nuclear weapons.

The Blueprint: Aims and Expectations

The summit aimed to create a detailed blueprint, reflecting principles laid out by NATO and other countries. While not legally binding, the blueprint seeks to establish a minimum level of guardrails for AI use in the military. The number of nations endorsing the document remains to be seen.

Global Efforts in AI Military Regulation

The Seoul summit is not the only initiative discussing AI in the military. The United Nations, under the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW), is exploring potential restrictions on lethal autonomous weapons systems. Additionally, the US government launched a declaration on responsible AI use in the military, with 55 countries endorsing it as of August.


The Role of Stakeholders

The summit emphasised the importance of multi-stakeholder discussions. While technological developments are primarily driven by the private sector, governments are the main decision-makers. Collaboration between these stakeholders is crucial for responsible AI implementation.

“The summit aims to ensure ongoing multi-stakeholder discussions in a field where technological developments are primarily driven by the private sector, but governments are the main decision makers,” according to a senior South Korean official.

The Road Ahead

The Seoul summit marks a significant step towards responsible AI use in the military. However, the journey is far from over. As AI continues to evolve, so must the guidelines governing its use. Future summits and discussions will be crucial in shaping the role of AI in warfare.

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  • To learn more about the Seoul Military AI summit tap here.


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