
Tech Giants Step Back: Microsoft and Apple’s Changing Roles at OpenAI

Microsoft withdraws from OpenAI’s board, signaling changing relationships between big tech and AI startups.




  • Microsoft withdraws observer seat on OpenAI board amid regulatory scrutiny
  • Apple will no longer be able to appoint an executive to a similar role
  • Regulators are examining big tech’s relationships with AI startups

The Changing Landscape of AI and Big Tech

Artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial general intelligence (AGI) are transforming industries across the globe, with Asia at the forefront of many innovations. As AI technologies continue to evolve, the relationships between big tech companies and AI startups are facing increased scrutiny from regulators. In a recent development, Microsoft has withdrawn its observer seat on the board of OpenAI, the developer of ChatGPT, and Apple will no longer be able to appoint an executive to a similar role.

Microsoft’s Decision to Withdraw from OpenAI’s Board

Microsoft, the largest financial backer of OpenAI, announced its decision to withdraw its observer seat on the board in a letter to the startup. The move, effective immediately, comes amid growing regulatory scrutiny of big tech’s relationships with AI startups. Although the observer role does not carry a vote in board decisions, Microsoft believed that the role was causing concern among competition regulators.

Regulatory Scrutiny and the Impact on Big Tech

In the UK, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is reviewing whether Microsoft’s partnership with OpenAI has resulted in an “acquisition of control.” In the US, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is also looking at the partnership between the two companies. The European Commission has decided not to conduct a formal merger review into Microsoft’s investment in OpenAI but is scrutinising exclusivity clauses in the agreement between the companies.

OpenAI’s New Approach to Engaging Strategic Partners

An OpenAI spokesperson stated that the San Francisco-based startup is establishing a new approach to “informing and engaging key strategic partners” such as Microsoft and Apple, as well as other financial investors. The new approach will involve hosting regular stakeholder meetings to share progress on their mission and ensure stronger collaboration across safety and security. OpenAI will no longer have board observers under the new approach, which rules out Apple taking up such a role.

Regulators Examine Other AI Startup Investments

Investments in AI startups are coming under scrutiny from regulators. The FTC is examining tie-ups between Anthropic, the company behind the Claude chatbot, and two tech powerhouses: Google and Amazon. In the UK, the CMA is also looking at Amazon and Anthropic as well as Microsoft’s partnerships with Mistral and Inflection AI.


Expert Opinion on the Changing Relationships

it is “hard not to conclude” that Microsoft’s decision had been influenced by the regulatory environment. He added, “It is clear that regulators are very much focused on the complex web of inter-relationships that big tech has created with AI providers, hence the need for Microsoft and others to carefully consider how they structure these arrangements going forward.” Alex Haffner, a partner at the UK law firm Fladgate

The Impact of Regulatory Scrutiny on AI Innovation

As regulatory scrutiny of big tech’s relationships with AI startups intensifies, how will this affect the pace of innovation in the AI and AGI industries? Will increased regulation stifle innovation, or will it create a more level playing field for startups and established tech companies alike?

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What are your thoughts on the changing relationships between big tech companies and AI startups? Do you think increased regulatory scrutiny will have a positive or negative impact on AI innovation? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments.

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