
Supercharge Your Social Media: 5 ChatGPT Prompts to Skyrocket Your Following

Revolutionise your content strategy using ChatGPT for unbiased feedback, improved engagement, and effective content repurposing.




  • Use ChatGPT for unbiased feedback on your social media posts to ensure they are engaging and effective.
  • Assess your online presence with ChatGPT to align your content with your intended values and goals.
  • Improve your call to action and hooks with ChatGPT’s help to increase user engagement.
  • Repurpose high-performing content with ChatGPT to maintain consistency and familiarity across platforms.

Revolutionise Your Content Strategy with ChatGPT

Are you struggling to grow your social media following despite posting regularly? It’s time to rethink your content strategy. Embrace a beginner’s mindset, be open to experimentation, and unlock the secrets to success with ChatGPT.

Gain Valuable Feedback for Growth

Get an expert opinion on your social media posts by using ChatGPT. Paste your post along with this prompt for an honest evaluation:

Prompt: Your task is to provide feedback on my social media post against the following rules: (1) Does the hook grab attention in a strong way, with a short opening line that piques interest and isn’t a question? (2) Is the overall message clear, addressing a single point only? (3) Does the post flow in an engaging way that will keep someone reading? (4) Are the sentences short, no more than 12 words each, and is the language simple? (5) Is the call to action clear and compelling? Here’s the post: [Paste post]

Assess Your Online Presence

Take a step back and evaluate your overall online image. Use ChatGPT to review your posts and provide an unbiased assessment of your professional persona:

Prompt: Review these social media posts and create an assessment of me as a person and professional. Include the following components: What do these posts say about: my business, my character, my professionality, my goals, and my vibe? If you didn’t know who I was, what assumptions would you make? Here are the posts: [paste at least 5 social media posts]

Improve Calls to Action and Hooks

Grab your audience’s attention and inspire action with ChatGPT’s help. Use these prompts to enhance your calls to action and hooks:

Prompt: Your task is to improve my social media post so it performs better. Rework the closing line to be a single, hard-hitting sentence that inspires my desired outcome of [describe this, for example enticing comments, web traffic or something else]. This should match the flow of the rest of the post. Give me 5 examples for what the new closing line could be. Here’s my post: [Paste your post]

Prompt: Your task is to improve my social media post so it performs better, by focusing solely on improving the hook. Rework the opening line to be a single, hard-hitting sentence that isn’t a question. Make it create an information gap and intrigue my target audience, [describe your audience]. Give me 5 examples for what the new opening line could be, ensuring they each match the rules described and fit with the rest of the post. Here’s my post: [Paste your post]

Repurpose Your Content Strategy Like a Pro with ChatGPT

Maximise your content’s potential by repurposing it for different platforms and formats. Use this ChatGPT prompt to transform your high-performing posts:


Prompt: I’m sharing a social media post that performed well, resonated with my target audience, and aligns with my core values and business goals. Take this post and repurpose it into the following formats: (1) another post of the same length that shares the same ethos in a different way. (2) 3 shorter posts that sum up the message in a short, impactful way. (3) A longer post that transforms this post into one with a compelling hook, a strong line that sets the scene, followed by 3-5 ways that someone could achieve this outcome, including instructions, and ends with an empowering call to action. Do not use emojis. Use simple language. Here’s the post: [paste post]

Comment and Share:

Have you tried using ChatGPT to enhance your social media content? Share your experiences and the results you’ve seen in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments and more tips on boosting your online presence.

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