
Singaporeans Have Trust Issues Around How Companies are Using AI

Singaporeans are struggling to trust business stances on AI.




  • 96% of Singapore brands claim transparency on AI data usage, but only 48% of consumers agree
  • AI-powered customer engagement strategies lead to higher customer satisfaction and improved market segmentation
  • Transparency and data protection are top priorities for Singaporeans in AI-powered interactions

Introduction: AI-powered Trust Issues Singapore

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are transforming the way businesses engage with customers across Asia. In Singapore, AI-powered customer engagement strategies are on the rise, but a recent study reveals a significant disconnect between brands and consumers regarding transparency and trust. This article explores the benefits and challenges of AI adoption in Singapore, the importance of data protection, and how businesses can bridge the gap with their customers.

AI Adoption in Singapore

Businesses in Singapore are increasingly leveraging AI to create personalised and intelligent interactions with customers.

According to Twilio’s fifth annual State of Customer Engagement Report, 96% of Singapore brands claim to be transparent about using AI to handle customer data. However, only 48% of Singaporean consumers agree.

Despite this discrepancy, AI-powered customer engagement strategies have led to higher customer satisfaction scores, improved market segmentation, and increased cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

The Transparency and Trust Gap

While AI has the potential to bridge the gap between brands and consumers, the report reveals a significant difference in perception between businesses and customers regarding transparency and trust:

  • 82% of Singapore businesses rate their customer engagement as ‘good’ or ‘excellent,’ but only 62% of consumers agree.
  • 60% of Singaporeans rank customer data protection and transparent communications as their top priority for brands to earn trust.

The Importance of Data Protection and Transparency

There is a requirements to emphasise the need for businesses to balance personalised experiences with transparency in data usage.

“Customers today expect personalised experiences, but also want to understand how businesses use their data to shape those experiences,” Liz Adeniji, area vice president, APAC and Japan, Twilio Segment

Singaporean consumers are more likely to trust brands that disclose how customer data is used in AI-powered interactions. As AI adoption continues to grow in the region, transparency around data usage becomes a critical component of building customer trust and loyalty.

Overcoming Challenges in AI Adoption

Balancing security and customer experience is the most pressing challenge for Singapore businesses (47%). To improve customer engagement and maintain trust, brands must prioritise data protection and transparency. Simplifying the signup and login process while keeping customer data safe is a priority for 41% of brands in Singapore in 2024.

Conclusion: an AI ‘Trust Gap’

AI and AGI are revolutionising customer engagement in Asia, but businesses must address the gap between their perceptions and those of their customers. By focusing on transparency, data protection, and building trust, companies can harness the full potential of AI to create personalised and engaging experiences for consumers in Singapore and beyond.

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Have you experienced AI-powered customer engagement in your interactions with businesses in Singapore or other Asian countries? Share your thoughts on the importance of transparency and data protection in building trust with AI. Don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments in Asia!

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