
Rising Apprehensions As AI Takes Over More Human Tasks

An analysis of the rising fears of AI and AGI dominance in Asia, exploring potential impacts on warfare, employment, and society.




  • AI and AGI advancements stir fears of dominance in Asia, from warfare to jobs.
  • Experts remain divided: some express concern over potential harm, while others see AI as a tool for productivity.
  • SAP’s recent move to cut jobs and invest in AI highlights the ongoing shift in the job market.

The Escalating Unease around AI And Whether It Is Taking More Jobs

Artificial intelligence (AI) is stoking fears of dominance, with concerns ranging from warfare to job displacement. A recent essay suggested that drones might soon take over warfare, leaving AI to decide who to target. Companies are already replacing human workers with machine intelligence, leading to a significant shift in the job market.

SAP’s Move: A Harbinger of Job Market Transformation

SAP, a multinational technology company, recently announced plans to cut jobs while investing over $2 billion in AI. This move is part of a significant company-wide change, affecting 8,000 jobs. While some employees face job loss, others will receive training to work with AI, reflecting the evolving nature of the job market in the face of AI advancements.

Expert Opinions: A Divided Front On Whether Is AI Taking More Jobs

Experts are divided on the issue. Darren McKee, author of “Uncontrollable,” asserts there is “definitely” a risk of advanced AI causing widespread harm to humanity. Conversely, Kjell Carlsson, head of AI strategy for Domino Data Lab, believes fears about AI are overblown. He argues that the real threat lies in people misusing AI, emphasising the need for responsible AI development and usage.

AI Is A Co-pilot, Not a Job Displacement

Many experts agree that AI is more likely to assist humans rather than replace them. Gautam Kunapuli, engineering manager at Motive, argues that AI will serve as a co-pilot, aiding human workers in decision-making and reducing manual tasks. This perspective suggests a future where AI and humans work together, rather than AI dominating the workforce.

The Road Ahead

As AI and AGI continue to advance, the debate around their potential impacts on society, ethics, and employment remains open. The key to navigating this future may lie in responsible AI development, regulation, and a focus on human-AI collaboration.


As AI and AGI continue to advance, how can we strike the right balance between leveraging their benefits and mitigating potential risks where AI takes more jobs? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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