
Revolutionising Education: 5 Powerful AI Prompts for Teachers in Asia

Explore 5 AI prompts designed to help educators transform teaching and learning experiences.




  • AI-driven Education: Discover how to integrate AI into your lessons with a groundbreaking prompt.
  • Social and Emotional Learning: A simple prompt to generate targeted SEL ideas for your classroom.
  • Mock University Interviews: Prepare students for college interviews with an AI-powered practice session.
  • AI-Adapted Reading Materials: Cater to diverse learning needs by adapting materials with AI.
  • Transforming Traditional Assignments: Empower students with dynamic project-based learning experiences.

AI-Driven Education: Unlocking the Potential of AI in Classrooms

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming education, and innovative teachers are harnessing its power with carefully crafted prompts for tools like ChatGPT and Google Gemini. One such pioneer, Matthew Wemyss, assistant school director at Cambridge School of Bucharest, has developed a groundbreaking prompt to help educators discover novel ways to integrate AI into their lessons.

Prompt: “As an expert in AI-driven education with a specialization in formulating prompts for Generative AI, you recognise the profound impact and responsibility of implementing AI in educational settings. Keeping in mind the ethical implications, ask me for the year group, subject and learning objectives for my lesson. You will then offer recommendations on integrating Generative AI prompts into my lessons to deepen understanding, ensuring transparency, fairness, and privacy…”

Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

SEL is crucial for student success, but many educators struggle to incorporate it effectively. Dr. Marina A. Badillo-Diaz, a professor at Columbia University School of Social Work, has created a simple yet powerful prompt to help teachers generate targeted SEL ideas.

Prompt: “Generate a list of SEL skill lesson ideas focusing on [enter skill] for [enter grade] grade students.”

Mock University Interviews: Preparing Students for College

AI can also help students prepare for college interviews. Amin Teymorian, head of Computer Science at Dulwich International High School Suzhou, has crafted a prompt that enables students to practice with an AI-powered mock interview.

Prompt: “Your role is to emulate an Oxbridge/Ivy League professor specializing in [Subject]… Begin by discussing personal statements and then delve into deeper topics, in line with current studies. Your questioning style should encourage critical thinking and problem-solving…”

AI-Adapted Reading Materials: Catering to Diverse Learning Needs

Adapting reading materials to cater to diverse learning needs can be challenging. Jennifer Verschoor, an EdTech leader at Northlands School in Buenos Aires, has developed a powerful prompt that enables teachers to adapt materials with AI.

Prompt: “Provides strategies for adapting reading materials to different levels in a [specific subject] class for students of [student age].”

Transforming Traditional Assignments: Embracing Project-Based Learning

AI tools have rendered many traditional assignments ineffective, necessitating a shift towards more dynamic, project-based learning experiences. Jason Gulya, an English professor at Berkeley College, has created a compelling prompt to help teachers transform traditional assignments.


Prompt: “[Role] You are an educator with a decade of in-the-classroom experience… You believe in student-centered learning experiences that provide students with control… [Instructions] I will provide you with a traditional assessment (such as a paper). You will go through the following steps… to transform it into a Project-Based Learning assignment.”

AI in Education: A Game-Changer

AI’s potential in education extends beyond conventional tasks, helping teachers create more engaging, effective, and inclusive learning experiences.

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Have you tried using AI in your classroom or homeschooling environment? How has it impacted your teaching and your students’ learning experiences? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments.

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