
Hungry for Power: AI and Crypto Drive Data Center Overload

AI and crypto growth in Asia strains power grids and raises environmental concerns, requiring sustainable energy solutions.




  • AI and crypto drive a significant increase in data centre energy consumption, set to double by 2026.
  • Asia’s data centre market is booming, with China and Singapore leading the way in AI and crypto growth.
  • Renewable energy and efficiency measures are essential to mitigate environmental impact and sustain growth.

AI and Crypto Fuel Data Centre Growth in Asia

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrencies is pushing data centres to their limits, with energy consumption projected to double by 2026. This trend is particularly evident in Asia, where the data centre market is booming. China and Singapore are at the forefront of this growth, driven by AI developments and crypto mining activities.

The Environmental Impact and Power Strain

Data centres, crypto mining, and AI already consume 2% of global electricity, amounting to 460 terawatt-hours in 2022. With AI tools like ChatGPT and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin demanding more energy, concerns about environmental impact and power grid strain are growing. In fact, the rapid expansion of data centres poses challenges for power grids in countries like China and Singapore.

Asia’s Role in the Data Centre Boom

China, home to some of the world’s largest AI companies and crypto miners, is experiencing a surge in data centre construction. Meanwhile, Singapore, a regional financial hub, is attracting data centre investments due to its robust infrastructure and connectivity. These developments contribute to Asia’s growing share of global data centre electricity consumption.

Renewable Energy and Efficiency Measures Offer Hope

As the demand for AI and crypto services increases, so does the need for sustainable energy solutions. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts a rise in renewable energy, with renewables generating over a third of the world’s electricity by 2025. Improving energy efficiency through high-efficiency cooling systems and other measures will be crucial to ensuring data centre growth doesn’t outpace the rise of renewables.

The numbers are staggering

Data centers, crypto, and AI already account for 2% of global electricity consumption, or a hefty 460 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2022. Crypto mining alone devours nearly a quarter of this, with Bitcoin responsible for a lion’s share of the emissions. This growth is equivalent to adding the electricity demand of an entire country, like Sweden or even Germany.

The United States, with its dominant share of data centers (33%) and Bitcoin mining, is feeling the heat. The IEA predicts a “rapid pace” of growth, with US data center electricity consumption jumping from 4% of national demand in 2022 to 6% by 2026. This surge is further fueled by 5G expansion and cloud services.


Ireland, with its enticing corporate tax rates, is another hotspot. Its 82 data centers already guzzle 17% of the country’s electricity, and 54 more are in the pipeline. By 2026, they could consume a staggering third of Ireland’s annual electricity demand.

The IEA warns that this rapid expansion poses challenges for power grids. London, for example, struggles to reconcile data center demands with housing development. Texas, a Bitcoin mining hub, faces pressure on its aging grid.

Inside these server-filled warehouses, 40% of the electricity goes to powering the computers, while another 40% keeps them cool. The IEA

Adding AI to the mix intensifies the hunger for power. Google Search could use ten times more electricity in an AI-powered future, and the AI industry as a whole is projected to consume ten times as much electricity in 2026 compared to 2023.

The Future of AI and Crypto in Asia

As AI and crypto continue their ascent, striking a balance between technological advancement and environmental responsibility will be key. Asia’s data centre industry must embrace sustainable energy solutions to power the digital world without harming the planet.

Cryptocurrency electricity demands are also expected to surge by 40% by 2026. While Ethereum’s switch to a more efficient validation method offers hope, Bitcoin remains a stubborn energy hog, responsible for a significant portion of crypto’s carbon footprint.

Fortunately, the IEA also predicts a surge in renewable energy, with renewables overtaking coal to generate over a third of the world’s electricity by 2025. However, this doesn’t erase the challenges. Improving energy efficiency through high-efficiency cooling systems is crucial to ensuring that data center growth doesn’t outpace the rise of renewables.


The future of data centers hinges on finding a balance between technological advancement and environmental responsibility. As AI and crypto continue their ascent, ensuring sustainable energy solutions will be key to powering our digital world without burning down the planet.

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