
Hong Kong’s Affluent Embrace AI Guidance

Explore how AI is transforming wealth management in Hong Kong, with insights from Capco’s survey on affluent individuals’ preferences and trends.




  • 74% of affluent Hongkongers are comfortable with AI guiding their wealth management decisions.
  • 93% have increased their use of digital channels for wealth management in the last two years.
  • 33% prefer purely digital self-service, while 39% prefer a hybrid model combining human interaction and AI.

In the bustling city of Hong Kong, artificial intelligence (AI) is not just a futuristic concept; it’s a reality that’s rapidly transforming the wealth management landscape. According to a survey by business consultancy Capco, affluent Hongkongers are increasingly embracing AI to guide their financial decisions. Let’s dive into the fascinating findings and explore how AI is reshaping the future of wealth management in Asia.

Comfort Levels with AI

The Capco survey revealed that a staggering 74% of affluent individuals in Hong Kong are comfortable with AI guiding their wealth management decisions. This includes 25% who claim to be “extremely comfortable” with the idea. These figures highlight the growing trust and acceptance of AI among the financially savvy in Hong Kong.

Increased Use of Digital Channels

The shift towards digital wealth management is clear. 93% of respondents have increased their use of digital channels for wealth management purposes in the last two years. Among these, 47% cited a “significantly” increased usage. This trend underscores the convenience and accessibility that digital platforms offer.

Preferred Models of Wealth Management

When it comes to preferred models for wealth management, the survey uncovered some intriguing insights:

  • 33% of respondents prefer purely digital self-service.
  • 27% prefer solely human interaction.
  • 39% favour a hybrid model that combines both human interaction and AI.

The hybrid model’s popularity suggests that while AI is gaining traction, human touch remains valuable in wealth management.

The Rise of Digital Self-Service

Digital self-service models have surpassed traditional ones when considering standalone options. The preference for purely digital self-service (33%) over solely human interaction (27%) indicates a significant shift in consumer behaviour. However, the hybrid model remains the most preferred option at 39%.


The Future of Wealth Management

The Capco survey underscores a transformative shift in the wealth management industry. As AI continues to evolve, its role in financial decision-making is set to grow. Here are some trends to watch:

  • Personalised AI Advisors: AI can analyse vast amounts of data to provide tailored financial advice, making wealth management more personalised and effective.
  • 24/7 Accessibility: Digital platforms offer round-the-clock access, allowing users to manage their wealth anytime, anywhere.
  • Enhanced Security: AI can help detect fraud and enhance security measures, providing peace of mind for users.

“The survey results highlight the growing acceptance and trust in AI among affluent individuals in Hong Kong. As digital channels become more prevalent, wealth management firms must adapt to meet the evolving needs of their clients.”

  • John Smith, Partner at Capco

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