
Customising AI: Train ChatGPT to Write in Your Unique Voice

Train ChatGPT in your voice, exploring AI’s potential in Asia’s tech landscape.



TL;DR: AI Voice training

  • Train ChatGPT in your voice and to adopt your writing style in 7 simple steps
  • Refine AI’s understanding of your tone through feedback and examples
  • Maintain consistency with customised guidelines for future interactions

Introduction: Train ChatGPT in Your Voice

Did you know you can teach ChatGPT to write in your unique voice and style? This article will guide you through a simple, step-by-step process to achieve this, saving you time and enhancing your tech-savvy skills.

7 Steps to Train ChatGPT in Your Voice

1. Identify Your Tone Prompt:

Begin by recognising the key aspects of your writing style. Are you formal or casual? Humorous or serious? Do you often use figures of speech like metaphors? Pinpoint characteristics that define your tone to provide a framework for the AI.

“Outline the principal characteristics of my writing tone, focusing on elements like formality, humour, brevity, and the use of metaphors or similes.”

2. Provide Examples Prompt:

Offer ChatGPT samples of your writing to analyse. This helps the AI understand your sentence structure, vocabulary, and rhythm. The more examples you provide, the better the AI can pick up on subtle nuances in your style.

“Here are samples of my writing [insert your text examples]. Analyse and summarise the distinct features in these samples.”

3. Request a Writing Sample Prompt:

Ask ChatGPT to compose a paragraph in your style based on the analysis of your examples. This tests its understanding of your tone and serves as a practical demonstration of its interpretation.

“Utilising the analysis from my previous examples, compose a paragraph on [chosen topic] in my style.”

4. Feedback and Refinement Prompt:

Provide specific feedback to help ChatGPT adjust and better align with your style. Constructive criticism helps the AI understand where it has succeeded and where it needs to adjust to more closely match your style.


“This aligns/does not align with my style because [provide specific feedback]. Please modify and rewrite the paragraph considering this feedback.”

5. Test with Different Topics Prompt:

Have ChatGPT write about various topics to ensure it can maintain your voice across different subjects. This tests the AI’s flexibility and deeper understanding of your tone.

“Now, write about [a different topic] using my tone as deduced from the previous examples and adjustments.”

6. Final Adjustments Prompt:

Make any necessary fine-tuning adjustments to ensure the AI’s replication of your style is as accurate as possible. This step involves refining the AI’s understanding of your tone and making those last few tweaks to achieve accuracy.

“Based on the previous attempts, make final adjustments to more closely echo my writing style. Write about [new topic].”

7. Establish Guidelines for Future Requests Prompt:

Create a set of guidelines for writing in your tone, serving as a quick reference for future interactions. These guidelines will help maintain consistency in the AI’s use of your writing style.

“Create a set of guidelines for writing in my tone based on our interactions so far. This will be used for future requests.”

Potential Impact of Customisable AI

As AI and AGI continue to evolve, customisable AI like ChatGPT could have significant implications for individuals and businesses across Asia. By training AI to write in your unique voice, you can:

  • Save time on content creation
  • Enhance your personal brand consistency
  • Automate communication tasks
  • Improve customer engagement with personalised AI interactions

Comment and Share: Train ChatGPT in Your Voice

Have you tried training ChatGPT to write in your unique voice? Share your experiences below! Don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments. How do you think customisable AI will shape the future of technology in Asia?

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