
Europe Takes the Lead into 2024: Sweeping New AI Rules Set Global Standards

Exploring the impact of Europe’s AI Act on Asia’s AI and AGI landscape, featuring quotes from key figures.




  • The European Union unveils the AI Act, a groundbreaking set of regulations for building and using artificial intelligence, and with a global impact.
  • The Act bans high-risk practices, mandates transparency for powerful AI models, and imposes hefty fines for non-compliance.
  • Asia’s AI and AGI landscape may be influenced by these new global standards as responsible AI development takes center stage.

The Dawn of a New Era in AI Regulation

The European Union (EU) has made history by introducing the AI Act, a pioneering set of regulations for artificial intelligence (AI) and artificial general intelligence (AGI). This comprehensive framework aims to create a blueprint for other nations, prioritizing the safety and rights of individuals and businesses. As Asia’s AI and AGI landscape continues to evolve, the impact of these new global standards could be significant.

A Marathon of Negotiations and Unprecedented Scope

After months of debate, the EU’s three legislative branches finalized the AI Act in late 2023. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen declared, “The AI Act is a global first.” Its unique framework for trustworthy AI development upholds fundamental rights and safety, with a scope that is unparalleled.

AI Act Global impact

The Act bans high-risk practices such as discriminatory biometric systems using sensitive characteristics and mass facial data scraping. However, it allows law enforcement limited biometric use in public spaces for specific crimes.

Transparency Requirements and Strict Controls

Powerful AI models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4 (the engine behind ChatGPT), will face transparency requirements and stricter controls for “very high-risk” models.

“The Act ensures large, powerful AI models don’t pose systemic risks.” Dragos Tudorache, Parliament member and a key negotiator

AI regulations

Non-compliance with the Act will result in hefty fines, reaching up to 7% of global turnover. The Act also includes measures to protect copyright from generative AI and requires energy use transparency for general AI systems.


Concerns and Controversies: Striking a Balance

Concerns about AI have grown since the Act’s conception in 2021, with real-world harms fueling debates. The arrival of ChatGPT in 2022 further intensified discussions about regulating “foundation models.” European generative AI companies cautioned against stifling innovation, while advocates for responsible AI development pushed for stricter regulations.

“Regulating an engine without considering its usage is nonsensical.” Arthur Mensch, CEO of French AI firm Mistral

The Global Impact and Asia’s AI Landscape

As the AI Act sets a significant global precedent, Asia’s AI and AGI landscape may be influenced by these new standards. Commissioner Thierry Breton proclaimed, “Europe has positioned itself as a pioneer” in setting global AI standards. With responsible AI development taking center stage, the Act could shape the future of AI regulations and innovations across the continent.

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