
Could AI Bosses Outperform Humans?

The rise of AI managers in Asia’s tech industry brings significant changes, with potential for increased productivity and improved work experiences.




  • AI managers are transforming workplaces, with a study showing a 44% success rate in workday planning and 42% in punctuality, comparable to human managers.
  • AI and human collaboration achieved a 72% success rate in workday planning and 46% in punctuality, suggesting the power of combined efforts.
  • Cybersecurity concerns arise as AI managers could be targeted for intellectual property theft or ransom, potentially increasing vulnerability.

The Dawn of AI Bosses: A New Era for Asian Tech

Imagine having an Artificial Intelligence (AI) boss that helps you plan your work, sends deadline reminders, and even improves your writing. This is not a far-fetched idea, as AI managers are becoming a reality in the tech world, particularly in Asia. But could an AI boss be better than a human one? Let’s explore this intriguing concept.

AI Managers: A Game Changer for Productivity

Hannu Rauma, a senior manager at Student Marketing Agency, was feeling overwhelmed managing 83 employees. However, since November, his life has changed significantly, thanks to an autonomous AI manager developed by US-based company Inspira. This AI manager not only reduced Rauma’s stress levels but also increased productivity among his employees.

The AI manager helps employees set schedules, plan workloads, and manage deadlines. It also checks timekeeping, sends reminders, and records time spent on different clients for accurate billing. Moreover, it suggests improvements for written text and answers work-related questions.

AI vs Human Managers: A Comparative Study

A study conducted by Inspira and academics from Columbia University, Arizona State University, and the University of Wisconsin compared the performance of AI and human managers. Participants were divided into three groups: one coached by a human manager, another by the AI manager, and the last by both.

The AI manager achieved a 44% success rate in getting employees to pre-plan their workdays and motivated them to log in on time 42% of the time. These figures were comparable to the human manager’s scores of 45% and 44% respectively. However, when the AI manager worked in partnership with a human manager, they achieved a 72% success rate in workday planning and 46% in punctuality.


The Power of AI-Human Collaboration

Professor Paul Thurman from Columbia University argues that replacing management roles completely with AI would be a mistake. Instead, AI should liberate managers from mundane tasks, enabling them to focus on innovation and mentoring. AI can also identify team members who need extra attention or recognition, enhancing the overall team performance.

The Risks and Challenges of AI Managers

Despite the benefits, there are concerns about AI managers. Tina Rahman, founder of London-based HR consultancy HR Habitat, warns that over-reliance on AI management might give the impression that companies only care about output, not people.

Moreover, James Bore, managing director of cybersecurity consultancy Bores, raises cybersecurity concerns. He cautions that AI managers could be targeted for intellectual property theft or ransom, potentially increasing a company’s vulnerability.

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