
Can AI Really Create Beauty?

An examination of AI’s ability to create beauty.




  • AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney are revolutionising the arts and humanities, but can they truly create beauty?
  • Dr. Jordan Cooper argues that beauty comes from a mind, and AI lacks the intentionality and creativity of human persons.
  • The rise of AI in society raises questions about authorship, communication, and the nature of beauty itself.

The Rise of AI in Arts and Humanities

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various sectors, including the arts and humanities. With the advent of technologies like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and DALL-E, discussions about the implications of AI on academic integrity, copyright, and the creative process have become increasingly relevant. But as AI continues to encroach on these fields, one must ask: Can AI truly create beauty?

Dr. Jordan Cooper’s Perspective on AI and Beauty

Dr. Jordan Cooper, a theologian and philosopher who has studied aesthetics extensively, offers valuable insights into this debate. In a recent video, Cooper poses a simple question: Can AI create beauty? He acknowledges that AI tools can enhance and aid humans in the creative process, but the problem arises when AI is used to do all the creating for us.

The Importance of Intentionality and Authorship

According to Cooper, the crux of the issue lies in questions of authorship and intentionality. If an author’s intentions have no bearing on a work’s interpretation, AI-generated art and texts could be considered valid carriers of beauty and meaning. However, this assumption implies that the human creator is not involved in the creation process, reducing art to a disembodied object dependent on the interpreter’s perspective.

Cooper emphasises that beauty “comes from a mind.” Experiences of beauty are difficult to reconcile within a purely materialistic worldview. If our experiences are merely brain chemicals responding to different stimuli, defending the concept of beauty becomes challenging. However, if we accept that mind and matter are both real, our experiences of beautiful art or compelling novels make more sense.

The Role of AI in Society

The rapid integration of AI into our society raises important questions. Why is AI so readily accepted? How has our technological landscape already set the stage for AI to fill? While a comprehensive answer to these questions is beyond the scope of this article, Cooper’s video offers a thought-provoking starting point for further exploration.


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What are your thoughts on AI and its ability to create beauty? Can AI ever truly replace human intentionality and creativity, or will it always play a supporting role? Share your opinions in the comments below, and don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments.

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