
Revolutionising Advertising: AI and the Cookie-less Future in Asia

AI transforms advertising in the cookie-less future, offering speed and relevance.




  • AI transforms personalised advertising in the cookie-less future, offering faster and smarter solutions.
  • First-party data and contextual advertising gain importance, enhancing user experience and privacy.
  • Asian marketers must prepare for the shift, with independent ad tech firms offering flexible solutions.

AI: The Game Changer in Personalised Advertising

The recent Consumer Electronics Showcase (CES) sparked a flurry of discussions about artificial intelligence (AI). As we move towards an ad-supported internet without third-party cookies, AI’s potential becomes increasingly clear. With Google phasing out third-party cookies, AI steps in as the hero, promising faster and smarter ad personalisation.

First-Party Data: The New King

With the demise of cookies, first-party data takes centre stage. This data, collected directly from users through emails, logins, and interactions, fuels personalised campaigns. AI analyses this data to predict user behaviour, forging stronger customer relationships. According to Benjamin Arnold of Adludio, “AI gives us transformational capabilities to understand data and build stronger customer relationships.”

Contextual Advertising: A New Lease of Life

AI isn’t just about first-party data; it also reinvigorates contextual advertising. This method analyses webpage content to deliver relevant ads. Arnold calls this “hyper-contextual relevance,” where AI analyses everything from headlines to comments, dynamically matching ads and creating personalised brand messaging in real time.

A study by Marketing-Interactive reveals that 50% of Asian marketers rate their preparations for a post-third-party cookie marketing environment as “ineffective/highly ineffective”. This contrasts with marketers in India and ANZ, who seem more prepared. The complex and evolving regulatory landscape in Asia, including new customer data privacy laws, affects how companies handle customer data and privacy.

The Rise of Independent Ad Tech Firms

Arnold highlights the rise of independent ad tech firms in this new landscape. These players offer flexibility and transparency, acting as a counterpoint to the “walled gardens” of larger tech companies.


Embracing the AI Revolution

AI is not just hype; it’s the key to unlocking personalised advertising in a cookie-less future. It promises speed, relevance, and even privacy-conscious solutions, paving the way for a more effective and engaging ad experience for both brands and consumers.

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