
AI-Scripted Film Sparks Controversy: The Last Screenwriter’s Canceled Premiere

This article discusses the controversy surrounding “The Last Screenwriter” and the broader debate on AI’s role in creative industries.




  • The world premiere of “The Last Screenwriter,” a film with a script entirely generated by AI, was canceled due to public backlash.
  • The controversy highlights the ongoing debate about AI’s role in creative industries.
  • Director Peter Luisi aims to release the film online for free to promote transparency and discussion.

AI Takes Centre Stage: The Last Screenwriter’s Controversial Premiere

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly making its mark, the film industry is not immune to its influence. “The Last Screenwriter,” a film directed by Swiss filmmaker Peter Luisi, found itself at the centre of a heated debate about AI’s role in creative industries. The film’s screenplay, including plot, characters, and dialogue, was entirely generated by ChatGPT, OpenAI’s language model. The world premiere, originally scheduled for June 23, 2024, at London’s Prince Charles Cinema, was abruptly canceled following significant public opposition.

Public and Industry Backlash

The cancellation sparked mixed reactions on social media. Some praised the cinema for its stance on industry issues, while others accused it of stifling important discussions about AI’s impact on the arts. This controversy reflects broader concerns within the entertainment industry about AI’s role, which partly motivated the 2023 Hollywood strikes. Actors and writers, including notable figures like Charlie Kaufman, have expressed apprehension about the unregulated use of AI tools and their potential impact on livelihoods.

Director’s Response: A Call for Transparency

Peter Luisi, the director of “The Last Screenwriter,” expressed surprise at the backlash. He argued that the film could support screenwriters’ cause by demonstrating AI’s capabilities. Despite the public screening’s cancellation, Luisi remained committed to holding a private premiere for the cast and crew. He also plans to release the film online for free, along with the full screenplay and documentation detailing ChatGPT’s writing process. This move aims to promote transparency and further discussion on AI’s impact on the film industry.

AI’s Role in Creative Industries: A Growing Debate

The controversy surrounding “The Last Screenwriter” highlights the growing tension between technological advancement and creative industries. As AI capabilities expand, concerns about job displacement and the devaluation of human creativity have intensified. The film industry faces challenges as AI tools become more sophisticated, potentially capable of generating entire scripts or even full movies tailored to viewers’ preferences. This development raises questions about the future role of human filmmakers and the preservation of artistic integrity in an increasingly AI-driven world.


AI in Film Production: Beyond Screenwriting

The debate extends beyond screenwriting to other aspects of film production. For instance, performance cloning, as evidenced by Scarlett Johansson’s complaint against an AI company’s unauthorized use of her voice replica, raises ethical questions about consent and ownership in the age of AI.

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What are your thoughts on AI’s role in creative industries? Do you think AI tools can coexist with human creativity, or do they pose a threat to artistic integrity? Share your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments.

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