
AI’s Influence on “Word of the Year” Choices: A Reflection of Asia’s Landscape

From “hallucinated” AI narratives to the quest for digital “authenticity,” 2023’s words of the year reflect a world grappling with AI’s creative powers and blurred realities. Who prompts whom, as technology whispers narratives and we chase genuine pixels? “Rizz,” charm perhaps lacking, reminds us: the human spark, still irreplaceable.




  • AI’s influence in Asia reflected in 2023’s “word of the year” choices by major dictionaries
  • Cambridge’s “hallucinate” and Merriam-Webster’s “authentic” spark discussions on reality and legitimacy
  • Oxford’s “prompt” highlights the evolving human-AI interaction, with “rizz” acknowledging AI’s lack of human charm

AI’s Growing Influence in Asia Mirrored in “Word of the Year” Choices

From ChatGPT’s convincing narratives to AI-generated art, 2023’s “word of the year” choices by major dictionaries reflect the growing influence and complexities of artificial intelligence.

From ChatGPT’s convincing narratives to AI-generated art, the growing influence of artificial intelligence and AGI in Asia is evident in the 2023 “word of the year” selections by major dictionaries. These choices reflect the complexities and implications of AI’s rapid development and integration into society.

Redefining Reality and Authenticity

Merriam-Webster’s “authentic” mirrors this concern, echoing societal anxieties about real vs. fake. This trend not only applies to consumerism but also extends to questioning the very legitimacy of trends and objects themselves.

Cambridge’s choice of “hallucinate” captures the essence of AI’s ability to generate compelling yet fabricated outputs, blurring the lines between reality and AI-generated content. This phenomenon extends beyond text, as generative AI’s imagery and audio creations raise exciting possibilities and concerns about deepfakes and digital age authenticity.

Merriam-Webster’s “authentic” resonates with these concerns, reflecting societal anxieties about discerning real from fake. This trend extends beyond consumerism, questioning the legitimacy of trends and objects themselves.


Human Interaction and Control in the AI Era

Oxford’s runner-up, “prompt,” introduces a human element, showcasing the shift from noun to verb as we interact with AI. This linguistic evolution prompts us to consider who controls whom in this dynamic relationship.

Meanwhile, Oxford’s top pick, “rizz,” humorously acknowledges AI’s lack of playful charisma, highlighting AI’s increasing presence in our vocabulary, even as technical terms remain less readily adopted.

Provocative Question: As AI and AGI continue to reshape our reality, creativity, and human interaction in Asia, how can we foster a future that encourages meaningful partnerships between humans and AI?

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Or visit Merriam Webster to read more definitions on AI.



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