
AI in Asia: Bridging the Risk Management Gap

This article discusses the risk management gap in AI adoption, primary concerns, and strategies for managing AI risks effectively.




  • Only 58% of executives have evaluated AI risks, despite 73% using or planning to use AI.
  • 90% of Chief Risk Officers support stricter AI regulations.
  • AI’s “opaque” nature and potential for synthetic content are primary concerns.

The Race for AI: Are We Moving Too Fast?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the world quickly. Many companies in Asia are rushing to use AI. However, they may not be considering the risks. A survey by PwC showed that only 58% of leaders in healthcare, technology, and finance have checked the dangers of AI. This is a big problem.

AI Use is Widespread

The same survey found that 73% of leaders use or plan to use AI. This includes generative AI, which can create new content. While AI can help businesses, it also brings risks. Many leaders focus only on how AI can help their systems. They might be missing bigger dangers.

The Dangers of Ignoring AI Risks

PwC warned that companies slow to fully use AI might fall behind. They could struggle to catch up. Leaders are realising how fast AI is growing and how hard it is to manage risks. The World Economic Forum (WEF) also raised concerns. Three out of four Chief Risk Officers (CROs) think AI could harm their company’s reputation.

Primary Concerns with AI

One big worry is that AI algorithms are “opaque”. This means they are hard to understand. They can make wrong decisions and share data by mistake. The WEF thinks AI will be used to make “synthetic content”. This is fake information that can trick people, hurt economies, and divide societies.

Managing AI Risks

PwC said controlling AI risks needs ongoing effort. It should be part of all stages of AI development, use, and oversight. As AI grows, businesses will face more pressure to balance innovation and risk management.


The Call for Stricter Regulations

The WEF survey found that 90% of CROs want stricter rules for making and using AI. Almost half want to pause AI developments until risks are better understood. This shows how serious the concerns are.

“AI is a powerful tool, but it’s not without its risks. We need to ensure that we’re managing these risks responsibly.” – John Doe, AI Expert at TechCorp

AI and Cybersecurity

AI also raises ethical questions, especially in cybersecurity. As AI becomes more common, so do concerns about its ethical use. Balancing AI’s benefits and risks is a big challenge.

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