
AI Content: A Ticking Time Bomb for CMOs?

Explore the debate on AI-generated content for SEO, Google’s policy, and the importance of human oversight in content creation.




  • CMOs relying heavily on AI-generated content for SEO may face traffic drops and ranking penalties.
  • Google’s policy penalises content created solely for manipulating rankings, regardless of AI or human creation.
  • AI should augment, not replace, human creativity and SEO strategy.

The LinkedIn Debate: AI Content and SEO

Eli Schwartz, author of “Product-Led SEO,” sparked a heated debate on LinkedIn. He warned about Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) who believe AI-written content is a foolproof SEO strategy. Eli predicted a rude awakening for these CMOs once their strategies fail.

“Too many CMOs think that AI-written content is an SEO strategy that will replace actual SEO. This mistake is going to lead to an explosion in demand for SEO strategists to help them fix their traffic when they find out they might have been wrong.” – Eli Schwartz

The discussion, with 54 comments, saw overwhelming agreement from marketers. However, one dissenting voice stood out.

Google’s Stance on AI-Generated Content

Google’s policy on AI content is clear. Their March 2024 update emphasised that using automation, including AI, to manipulate rankings is considered spam. The key point is the intent behind the content creation. If it’s solely to boost rankings, penalties may apply.

“Our new policy is meant to help people focus more clearly on the idea that producing content at scale is abusive if done for the purpose of manipulating search rankings and that this applies whether automation or humans are involved.” – Google

The Risks of Over-Reliance on AI Content

CMOs who rely too heavily on AI content may face several risks:

  • Traffic Drops: Google may penalise sites that publish low-quality, AI-generated content created solely for rankings.
  • Reputation Damage: Poorly crafted AI content can harm a brand’s image.
  • Lack of Creativity: Over-reliance on AI can stifle human creativity and innovation.

AI as a Tool, Not a Crutch

AI should augment, not replace, human effort. Here’s how to use AI responsibly:

  • Content Ideation: Use AI to generate topic ideas, but ensure human oversight and creativity.
  • Drafting: AI can create initial drafts, but human editors should refine and improve them.
  • Optimisation: AI can suggest keywords and meta tags, but humans should ensure they’re used naturally.

The Human Touch in SEO

SEO is not just about keywords and rankings. It’s about understanding user intent, creating valuable content, and building relationships. AI can’t replicate these human aspects.

The Future of AI in Content Creation

AI will undoubtedly play a significant role in content creation. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between AI efficiency and human creativity.


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