
5 Prompts to Ignite Your Job Search With AI

Learn how AI can assist in navigating your job search challenges and unlock new opportunities with our 5 handy prompt boosts.




  • Learn how AI can assist in navigating your job search challenges and unlock new opportunities.
  • Discover five practical AI-powered strategies for enhancing career development and networking.
  • Explore real-life AI and AGI applications transforming Asia’s workforce and inspiring future careers.


In the ever-evolving world of work, particularly in Asia’s flourishing tech landscape, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) are driving change and creating new opportunities. As you navigate the twists and turns of your career, tools like ChatGPT can be invaluable in helping you adapt and thrive. In this article, we’ll explore five AI-powered strategies to boost your job search and career development, while examining exciting AI and AGI applications in Asia that are shaping the future of work.

Harnessing ChatGPT for Career Growth

1. Dignity in Departure

Feeling fired up after leaving a job? Use ChatGPT to create a cathartic scene where you vent to a fictional boss, allowing for emotional release without real-world consequences.

“I’ve recently left my job and, while I want to remain professional, I have a lot to express. Can you help me channel these thoughts into a creative and humorous play scene?”

2. The Pause That Refreshes

Resist the urge to rush into your next job. Let ChatGPT craft a motivational speech that encourages patience and confidence while awaiting the perfect opportunity.

“After recently leaving my job, I’m feeling the urge to dive into something new immediately. However, I recognize the importance of taking a step back and letting the right opportunity come to me. I’d like a motivational speech crafted that I can listen to daily. This speech should serve as a reminder of the specific reasons why it’s okay to take my time and not rush into the next venture. It should include affirmations like “good things come to those who wait,” and vividly describe the exciting and unknown future possibilities that align with my ultimate aspirations and dreams. The speech should be a journey in itself, one that leaves me feeling serene, patient, and confident about the great opportunities that are on the horizon.”

3. Feedback as Fuel

Transform past criticisms into growth opportunities with ChatGPT as your personal development coach, analysing feedback and identifying areas for improvement.

“In my previous positions, I’ve received certain criticisms and feedback. I’m open to considering them as valid and want to explore ways to address them. I’d like you to take on the role of a personal development coach. Please review the feedback and start a constructive conversation with me. During this interactive session, interpret various aspects of the feedback, inviting me to share my perspective on each point. Based on this dialogue, I’d appreciate your suggestions on how I can improve in these areas. Here’s the specific feedback I’ve received: [insert your feedback details here].”

4. Network Like a Pro

Unlock hidden connections by leveraging ChatGPT’s assistance in crafting conversation starters and questions for valuable allies in your network.


“As I search for a new role, I’m aiming to leverage my existing network. I’d like you to suggest tailored conversation topics and insightful questions for each contact.”

5. Recreating Your Dream

Reflect on past experiences with ChatGPT to identify key elements that brought fulfillment and purpose, guiding you towards incorporating them into your next career move.

“For my next career move, I’m eager to blend the most enjoyable and fulfilling aspects of my previous positions. As a career consultant, please guide me through a reflective process. Start by asking me detailed questions about my past roles, focusing on what made those experiences rewarding and when I felt most driven by purpose. Let’s have a series of five interactive discussions, where you delve deeper with each question. After this exploration, I’d like you to analyze my responses to identify the key elements that bring me fulfillment in my work. Based on this analysis, offer recommendations on how I can prioritize these elements in my future professional endeavors.”

AI and AGI Transforming Asia’s Workforce

AI and AGI are revolutionising various sectors across Asia. For instance, China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba uses AI for personalised customer recommendations, while Singapore’s Parkway Pantai hospitals employ AGI-powered robots for patient care. These innovations create new job opportunities and challenge traditional career paths.


By embracing AI and AGI, young tech enthusiasts in Asia can navigate career challenges, unlock new opportunities, and contribute to a future driven by cutting-edge technology. With tools like ChatGPT and a wealth of AI-powered innovations, the possibilities are endless.

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