
5 Best Prompts To Use With Google Gemini

Explore 5 powerful prompts Google Gemini prompts for summarising complex data, crafting compelling emails, and generating creative ideas.



Google Gemini has emerged as a formidable contender in the Asian market. This powerful generative AI tool has the potential to revolutionize the way you work, offering solutions for tasks ranging from complex data analysis to creative brainstorming.

However, unlocking its full potential requires understanding how to effectively guide Gemini with well-crafted prompts. This article explores five impactful prompts designed to get you started and maximise your productivity with Google Gemini.

1. Mastering Information with Advanced Summarisation and Analysis

Challenge: Drowning in lengthy reports and struggling to extract key insights efficiently?

Solution: Utilise Gemini’s advanced summarisation and analysis capabilities.


Prompt: “In Google Docs, summarize this [document type] into concise bullet points, highlighting the key findings. Additionally, analyze the data to identify the top three opportunities and potential risks associated with [topic].”


  • Save valuable time: Extract crucial information from lengthy documents in seconds.
  • Uncover hidden insights: Go beyond the surface level and discover valuable trends and connections you might miss.
  • Make informed decisions: Gain a comprehensive understanding of complex information to guide strategic decision-making.

Ideal for: Business leaders, students, researchers, journalists.

2. Conquer Coding Challenges with Your AI Partner

Challenge: Stuck on a coding problem and unsure how to proceed?

Solution: Gemini acts as your virtual coding companion, assisting you in debugging issues and suggesting solutions.

Prompt: “I’m encountering the following error in [project name]: [error message]. Here’s the relevant code snippet: [insert code]. Can you help me debug this and propose a potential fix?”


  • Faster problem resolution: Reduce troubleshooting time by leveraging Gemini’s problem-solving capabilities.
  • Enhanced learning: Gain valuable insights from Gemini’s explanations, improving your coding skills.

Ideal for: Developers (particularly web and Android developers).

3. Craft Professional Emails with Effortless Ease

Challenge: Struggling to compose professional emails that seamlessly blend professionalism and personality?

Solution: Gemini facilitates effortless email drafting, ensuring your messages are polished and impactful.

Prompt: “Draft a concise and professional email introducing myself as a freelance [your expertise]. Briefly highlight my key skills: [list skills]. Conclude with a question to encourage a response.”


  • Maintain perfect grammar and spelling: Eliminate concerns about typos and grammatical errors.
  • Focus on content: Dedicate your time to crafting compelling email content while Gemini handles the structure and tone.
  • Network with confidence: Send professional-looking emails that make a positive first impression.

Ideal for: Freelancers, job seekers, office workers, and anyone requiring professional communication.

4. Spark Creativity and Overcome Writer’s Block

Challenge: Facing a creative roadblock and struggling to generate new ideas?


Solution: Gemini becomes your creative muse, helping you brainstorm novel concepts and organize them effectively.

Prompt: “Provide three fantasy short story ideas featuring a magical object and a reluctant hero.”


  • Overcome writer’s block: ignite your creative spark and generate fresh ideas.
  • Expand on suggestions: Use Gemini’s prompts as a springboard to develop compelling narratives.
  • Explore new creative avenues: Experiment with Gemini for diverse creative projects like scriptwriting and podcast ideas.

Ideal for: Writers, content creators, and anyone seeking a creative boost.

5. Make Informed Decisions with Personalised Research Assistance

Challenge: Overwhelmed by information overload and unsure which decision to make?

Solution: Leverage Gemini’s research assistance capabilities to gain tailored insights for various scenarios.

Prompt: “I’m considering upgrading my phone and am evaluating these options: [list models]. Prioritising camera quality, processing speed, and battery life, which phone would you recommend? Provide a brief explanation and a pros and cons table for each option.”


  • Cut through marketing jargon: Gain objective evaluations, free from subjective biases.
  • Personalised recommendations: Receive results tailored to your specific needs and priorities.
  • Save time and effort: Avoid time-consuming research by receiving a concise and informative analysis.

Ideal for: Tech enthusiasts, consumers making purchase decisions, and anyone seeking research assistance.

In Summary:

Google Gemini offers a powerful and versatile toolbox to enhance your productivity and unlock new creative possibilities. By experimenting with these five prompts and exploring its diverse functionalities, you can transform the way you work and approach challenges. Remember, AI models are constantly evolving, and as with any technology, critical thinking and verification of information remain crucial.

We hope these 5 best prompts to use with Google Gemini will help you maximise potential of Google Gemini as you navigate the ever-changing landscape of work and creativity in the Asian market and beyond. Please let us know in the comments below!


And don’t miss Is Google Gemini Too Woke?, or try the Google chatbot right now to decide for yourself.


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