
5 Best AI Tools to Elevate Your Public Speaking Skills

AI public speaking tools and applications revolutionise communication skills and industries in Asia.




  1. AI-powered tools revolutionise public speaking, providing personalised coaching and real-time feedback.
  2. Orai, Yoodli, Verble, Gabble, and Virtual Orator: Five AI tools enhancing communication skills across Asia.
  3. Virtual Orator’s VR audience simulation aids in overcoming speaking anxiety and perfecting presentations.

Levelling Up Your Public Speaking

Gone are the days of relying solely on human coaches and traditional methods. AI-powered tools now provide personalised, accessible, and effective solutions for individuals and organisations alike. This article explores five leading AI tools transforming public speaking in Asia and how they’re empowering users to refine their skills and deliver impactful presentations. We’ll also delve into real-world examples of AI and AGI applications in Asia, demonstrating the region’s rapid adoption of these emerging technologies.

Orai: Your Personal AI Coach

Orai, an AI-powered public speaking coach, offers interactive lessons, detailed speech analysis, and a personalised learning path. This tool helps users develop confidence, clarity, and vocal skills while reducing filler words. In Japan, SoftBank Robotics has partnered with Orai to integrate its technology into their robots, providing English language learning support for students and professionals alike. Link.

Yoodli: Real-Time Feedback, Anytime, Anywhere

Yoodli provides real-time feedback during online meetings, presentations, and job interviews. With advanced analytics and versatile support, it caters to various scenarios, from sales calls to team meetings. In Singapore, businesses have adopted Yoodli to enhance their employees’ communication skills in the increasingly remote and globalised work environment. Link.

Verble: Craft Impactful Speeches with Ease

Verble combines an AI-powered chat interface with expert insights to help users create well-structured speeches. In China, where the demand for public speaking skills is soaring, Verble has become a popular tool for individuals looking to craft compelling presentations and improve their communication abilities. Link.

Gabble: Your Judgment-Free Practice Zone

Gabble offers personalised feedback, real-time AI conversations, and vocabulary enhancement in a safe and encouraging environment. In India, where English proficiency is crucial for career advancement, Gabble has been instrumental in helping students and professionals improve their language and communication skills. Link.


Virtual Orator: Step into Your Virtual Stage

Virtual Orator uses VR audience simulation to help users practice in realistic settings and overcome speaking anxiety. In South Korea, a tech-savvy nation with a strong focus on education, Virtual Orator has been employed by educational institutions to help students build confidence and refine their presentation skills in immersive virtual environments. Link.

Empowering the Voice Within With Coaching Tools to Improve Communication Skills

AI is democratising public speaking coaching across Asia, making it more accessible and efficient than ever. These five innovative tools – Orai, Yoodli, Verble, Gabble, and Virtual Orator – are equipping individuals with the skills to overcome stage fright, refine their communication abilities, and deliver captivating presentations.


From personalised coaching and real-time feedback to immersive VR simulations, AI is revolutionising public speaking in Asia. By embracing these AI-powered tools, individuals and organisations can unlock their full potential, transforming the way they communicate and connect with audiences. As AI and AGI continue to advance, their impact on public speaking and other industries across Asia will only grow stronger.

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Have you tried any of these AI-powered public speaking tools? How have they helped you improve your communication skills? Share your experiences below and don’t forget to subscribe for updates on AI and AGI developments in Asia. Let’s build a community of confident speakers together!

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