
Security Copilot: Microsoft’s AI Journey from Hurdles to Triumphs

The rise of Security Copilot: Microsoft’s AI journey in cybersecurity.




  • Microsoft’s Security Copilot, an AI assistant for cybersecurity teams, was developed using OpenAI’s GPT-4 model after initial challenges with GPU resources.
  • The company used cherry-picking and internal data to improve the system’s accuracy and combat “hallucinations.”
  • Security Copilot is now a closed-loop learning system that evolves through user feedback, demonstrating the potential of AI in cybersecurity.

Microsoft’s AI Security Adventure: The Tale of Security Copilot

Microsoft’s Security Copilot stands as a testament to the potential and challenges of generative AI. Launched in early 2023, this AI assistant for security teams uses OpenAI’s GPT-4 to address cyber threats, much like its cousin, ChatGPT. However, the journey to its creation was filled with obstacles and revelations.

Overcoming Initial Hurdles: GPU Shortages and GPT-4

Microsoft’s initial focus was on its own security-specific machine learning models. However, limited GPU resources due to company-wide GPT-3 usage posed a significant challenge. The solution came in the form of early access to GPT-4, leading to a shift in focus towards exploring its cybersecurity potential.

The Art of Cherry-Picking and Combating Hallucinations

Microsoft faced the challenge of “hallucinations” – instances where the model generated inaccurate information. To present a convincing picture, they resorted to cherry-picking good examples. Microsoft then integrated its own data to combat these hallucinations, improving the system’s accuracy and grounding it with relevant, up-to-date information.

The Birth of Security Copilot: A Closed-Loop Learning System

Security Copilot emerged from these efforts as a “closed-loop learning system,” constantly evolving through user feedback. Microsoft openly acknowledged the system’s limitations during its initial rollout, emphasising the potential for errors and the need for continuous improvement.

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